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Social Studies Technology Integration Lesson

Part 1: Integrating Primary Sources

Objective - Students will select 10 images from WWII that represent what the US was fighting for, in their opinions. Procedure - Use the websites listed below to find images and posters from WWII. Then, select 10 that represent, in your opinion, what the US was primarily fighting for. Lastly, create a Google presentation with the images and a brief explanation of each describing why you selected it. Remember to cite the sources for all of your images. Each student will present his/her images to the class. Posters from WWII - Photographs of WWII - :// Children of the Holocaust - Assessment - Students will be assessed on the following criteria: 10 images with explanations and sources - 20 points Google presentation created - 5 points Presented to class - 5 points

Part 2: Integrating Google Maps

Objective - Students will explore an interactive map of WWII battles in Europe and add photographs from the battles to the map. Procedure - Use the google map linked below to explore European battles in WWII. Then, choose 5 of the battles. Create a custom map using Google Earth and add the battles to the map. Lastly, use the primary source link below to find three photographs from the place where the battle took place or the battle itself and add the photos to the places on your Google Earth map. Map of WWII Battles 80331477143.00048f73fbf6f81be41d8 Photos of WWII - Adding photos to Google Earth

Assessment - Students will be assessed on the following criteria: 5 battles added to Google Earth (10 points) 3 photographs added to each battle in Google Earth (10 points)

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