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Be a hero

for kids.


Mark scappe
for sTaTe rep.

Paid for and Authorized by Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee 300 North Second St., 8th Floor Harrisburg, PA 17101 SCA12_007

Non-Profit Org US Postage Paid PA Democratic State Committee

VoTe for oUr schools VoTe deMocraT VoTe Mark scappe

mark Scappe StooD up for our SchoolS.
When the Moon Area School District faced a $500,000 deficit and potential state takeover of their public schools Mark Scappe made the tough choices and turned a deficit into a $9 million dollar surplus over 12 years as a school board director. He fought against teacher layoffs and for an expanded curriculum and all-day kindergarten. He led the way in replacing a run-down, obsolete middle school and high school with new state-of-the-art educational facilities that are the pride of our community.

mark Scappe will take on harriSBurgS eDucation cutS.

Scappe wants to restore funding from Mustios education cuts by getting our fair share from Marcellus Shale and by closing tax loopholes for corporations. Mark believes that we need to fund our schools first if we want a stronger PA. But he Needs Your help.

the poSt-gazette enDorSeS mark Scappe, a promiSing alternatiVe.

- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, October 17, 2012

Vote Down the Ballot. Democrat mark Scappe. FigHting For our ScHoolS. FigHting For uS.

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