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A Note Regarding the Upcoming Election Not a single person disputes that President Barack Obama inherited a terrible

situation caused by the irresponsible policies of the last two decades. However, after four years, Americans are still hurting, and many believe the situation has not improved. For this reason, I have to support the Romney/Ryan team in their race for the White House. It is difficult for a country to be prosperous when the unemployment rate remains around or above 8% for a significant amount of time. The key to economic prosperity is job creation. I believe the Romney/Ryan ticket can get the economy growing again through job creation. The last four years has also brought an increase in government dependency. Reliance upon the government only promotes poverty. If we are to see poverty decrease, reliance upon the Federal Government must be dramatically reduced. Americas influence in the world is also a very important issue. We need a leader who can promote democracy and freedom while keeping our diplomats and citizens safe. I do not believe the current Administration has done all it can to protect Americans at home and abroad. In my home state of Ohio, coal is a big economic driver. The Romney Administration will stand up for coal and energy independence. Being from a family devoted to the field of medicine, I find recent healthcare legislation destructive. The treasured doctor/patient relationship is being destroyed through inefficient regulations. If we are to establish a reliable healthcare system, recent healthcare legislation must be repealed. Finally, as a Catholic, I am a firm believer in family values. I do not believe government has the right to impose methods for how we should live our lives. However, every human being has the right to life regardless of the mothers wishes. I believe a Romney Administration will not only stand up for this right, but will appoint justices who will also support this God given right. On Tuesday, Americans face two distinctly different candidates. If Americans want to return to economic prosperity and regain our international dominance, then Governor Mitt Romney is the appropriate leader for the task. By: James J. Lomeo November 4, 2012

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