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Students Rights to Their Own Language: Position Statement Assignment One (English 1101) Fall 2012

Drawing from SRTOL, respond to the idea of claiming a space for various language varieties in school. Do not think just in terms of agree or disagree, but rather, complicate the idea of what it would mean to allow for more language variety in education. As you respond to this reading, think back over your past experiences with writing (in or out of the classroom), and pick one specic moment that resonates with you and can serve to complicate your response to this reading. Describe how that event contributed to your view of SRTOL and consider how this experience will aect your approach to writing in the future: Consider: what problems may arise, how might we enrich our learning experiences, etc. Develop and entertain questions/problems that this reading makes you think about, and use your own personal experience to respond to these issues Use I and explain the experience in as much detail as possible Document any material that you directly draw from the article Be descriptive and deliberate about your word choices, and unless otherwise context appropriate, please follow the guidelines of Standard Written English You must bring in two copies of a draft of your assignment on the scheduled workshop date ready to work with your peer response partner. Failure to do so or should you choose not to show up to the workshop day, will result in a zero for you workshop grade You must have a reective letter discussing the strengths and weaknesses of your paper. No reection, or an incomplete one, will result in failure of the entire assignment. 1 margins, 12 pt Times New Roman Font, 1000-1500 words, double-spaced

Describe your strengths and weaknesses giving examples Describe what comments were helpful/not helpful from your peer responder Explain what aspect of the paper you want me to pay particular attention to and why 500 words, 12 pt, Times New Roman, single-spaced

Workshop Draft (2 Copies) for Class: Wednesday, 9/12. Revised Copy Emailed to Me with Reection By Class Time: Monday, 9/17.

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