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Sem / Year : I Sem/ I Year Subject : GE 2111 / Engineering Graphics Duration: 3 hrs Max. Marks : 100 ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS (5 x 20 =100) 1.a) A straight line AB of 75mm length is inclined at 30 to HP and 45 to VP. The end A is 15 mm in front of VP and 20 mm above HP. Draw the projections of the line and measure apparent inclinations. OR 1.b) The plan of a line AB makes an angle of 30 with the horizontal and has a length of 90mm. The end B is in the HP and A is in the VP and 65 mm above the HP. Draw the projections of the line and find its true length and true inclinations with the HP and VP. 2.a) The mid point of a line CD 80mm long is 30mm above HP and 45mm in front of VP. It is inclined at 30 to HP and 50 to VP. Draw the projections. OR 2.b) A straight line ST has its end S, 10 mm in front of VP and nearer to it. The midpoint m of the line is 50mm in front of VP and 40mm above HP. The front and top view measures 90 mm and 120 mm respectively. Draw the projections of the line. Also find its true length and true inclination with VP & HP. 3.a) A hexagonal plate of side 20 mm rests on the VP on one of its sides inclined at 45 to the HP. The surface of the plate makes an angle of 30 with the VP. Draw the front and top views of the plate. OR 3.b) A regular pentagon of 30 mm side is resting on one of its edges on HP which is inclined at 45 to the VP. Its surface is inclined at 30 to the HP. Draw its projections. 4.a) A circular lamina of diameter 50 mm has the end A of the diameter AB on HP and the end B on VP. Draw its projections when its surface is inclined at 50 to HP and 40 to VP. OR 4.b) A square lamina PQRS of side 40 mm rests on the ground on its corner P in such a way that the diagonal PR is inclined at 45 to the HP and apparently inclined at 30 to the VP. Draw its projections. 5.a) A hexagonal prism of side of base 25 mm and axis 60 mm rests on a corner of its base in HP with the axis of the prism inclined at 40 to HP and parallel to VP. Draw its projections. OR 5.b) A right pentagonal pyramid of side 20 mm and altitude 50 mm rests on one of its edges of the base in HP, the base being tilted up such that the apex is 30 mm above HP. Draw the elevation of the pyramid when the edge on which it rests is perpendicular to VP. Date :

PERI IT I Year CAT 1 Engineering Graphics


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