Free Daca Clinic: F D A C A (DACA)

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November 10, 2012: 10:00 am 4:00 pm (Registration closes at 2:00) Golden Gate University, 536 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94105
DACA involves both risks and benefits. An attorney can help you make an informed decision and present a strong application if you decide to apply. Come learn more and get free help. This event will include a DACA information session at 10:00 am, as well as private consultations with immigration attorneys and application help for those individuals who may qualify for DACA. YOU MAY QUALIFY FOR DACA IF YOU: Were under the age of 31 as of June 15, 2012; Came to the U.S. before your 16th birthday; Have continuously resided in the U.S. since June 15, 2007, up to the present time; Were present in the U.S. on June 15, 2012, and at the time of submitting the application; Entered without inspection before June 15, 2012, or your lawful immigration status expired as of June 15, 2012; Are currently in school, have graduated or obtained a certificate of completion from high school, have obtained a general education development (GED) certificate, or were honorably discharged from the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the United States; and Have not been convicted of a felony, significant misdemeanor, or three or more other misdemeanors, and do not otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety. A fingerprint check is strongly recommended to be sure that this requirement is met and to assess what risk there may be in applying, especially if you have ever had any contact with law enforcement. See the attached information sheet for more about this.

NOTE: You do not need to register just drop in on November 10, 2012, before 2:00 PM. If you have questions about this Clinic, please email (English/Spanish).
This clinic is hosted by: Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the SF Bay Area, Legal Services for Children, Educators for Fair Consideration, Centro Legal de la Raza, and San Francisco Immigrant Legal and Education Network, a collaboration of: African Advocacy Network, Arab Resource and Organizing Center, Asian Law Caucus, Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach, CARECEN, La Raza Centro Legal, La Raza Community Resource Center, Chinese for Affirmative Action, Dolores Street Community Services, Filipino Community Center, Mujeras Unidas Y Activas, PODER, and Causa Justa.


WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU BRING DOCUMENTATION THAT WILL HELP YOU SHOW YOU SATISFY THE REQUIREMENTS FOR DACA. SOME EXAMPLES ARE: Proof of Identity: Passport or national identity document from your country of origin Birth certificate with photo identification School or military ID with photo Any U.S. government immigration or other document bearing your name and photo Proof you came to U.S. before your 16th birthday: Passport with admission stamp Form I-94/I-95/I-94W School records from the U.S. schools you have attended Any Immigration and Naturalization Service or DHS document stating your date of entry Travel records Hospital or medical records Proof of immigration status: Form I-94/I-95/I-94W with authorized stay expiration date Final order of exclusion, deportation, or removal issued as of June 15, 2012 A charging document placing you into removal proceedings Proof of presence on June 15, 2012 and you continuously resided in U.S. since June 15, 2007: Rent receipts, utility bills, deeds, mortgages, rental agreement contracts Employment records (pay stubs, W-2 Forms, etc) School records (letters, report cards, etc) Military records (Form DD-214 or NGB Form 22) Official records from a religious entity confirming participation in a religious ceremony Copies of money order receipts for money sent in or out of the country Passport entries Birth certificates of children born in the U.S. Dated bank transactions Automobile license receipts or registration Tax receipts, insurance policies List of dates and addresses of all homes in U.S Proof of your student status at the time of requesting deferred action for childhood arrivals: School records (transcripts, report cards, etc.) U.S. high school diploma or certificate of completion U.S. GED certificate Proof you are honorably discharged veteran of the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the U.S.: Form DD-214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty NGB Form 22, National Guard Report of Separation and Record of Service Military personnel records Military health records Proof of your criminal history: Live scan fingerprint results. (You can have the results mailed to the address of a friend or family member with valid immigration status.) For more information please visit:

Noviembre10,2012delas10:00A.M.4:00P.M.(Laregistracinsecierraalas 2:00P.M.)GoldenGateUniversity,536MissionStreet,SanFrancisco,CA94105
DACAenvuelveambosriesgosybeneficios.Unabogadopuedeayudarleatomarunadecisin informadaypresentarunaaplicacinfuertesiusteddecideaplicar.Vengayaprendamasyobtenga ayudagratuita.EsteeventoincluirunasesindeinformacindeDACAalas10:00A.M.,asicomo consultasprivadasconabogadosdemigracinyayudaconlaaplicacinparalaspersonasquecalifiquen paraDACA.

Era menor de 31 anos antes de Junio 15, 2012; Vino a los Estados Unidos antes de cumplir los 16 aos; Ha vivido continuamente en los Estados Unidos desde el 15 de Junio 2007, hasta ahora; Estuvo presente en los Estados Unidos el 15 de Junio 2012, y en el momento de presentar su aplicacin; Entro sin inspeccin antes de Junio 15, 2012, o su estado de inmigracin legal expiro el 15 de Junio 2012; Esta actualmente en la escuela, se ha graduado u obtenido un certificado de finalizacin de la escuela secundaria, ha obtenido un certificado de desarrollo general de educacin (GED), o fue dado de baja honorablemente de la Guardia Costera y las Fuerzas Armadas de los Estados Unidos; y No haya sido condenado por un delito grave, delito menor significativo, o tres o ms de otros delitos menores, y que no representen una amenaza para la seguridad nacional y la seguridad publica. Una verificacin de huellas dactilares es muy recomendable para estar seguro de que este requisito se cumple y para evaluar cul es el riesgo que puede haber en la aplicacin, especialmente si usted ha tenido contacto con la polica. Vea la hoja de informacin adjunta para ms informacin sobre esto.

NOTA:Ustednonecesitaregistrarsesololleguel10deNoviembre2012,antesdelas2:00P.M. SiUstedtienepreguntasacercadeestaClnica,
Estaclnicaesorganizadapor: Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the SF Bay Area, Legal Services for Children, Educators for Fair Consideration, Centro Legal de la Raza, y San Francisco Immigrant Legal and Education Network, una colaboracion: African Advocacy Network, Arab Resource and Organizing Center, Asian Law Caucus, Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach, CARECEN, La Raza Centro Legal, La Raza Community Resource Center, Chinese for Affirmative Action, Dolores Street Community Services, Filipino Community Center, Mujeras Unidas Y Activas, PODER, and Causa Justa.

Pasaporte o documento de identidad nacional de su pas de origen Certificado de nacimiento con una foto de identificacin Identificacin de escuela o cartilla militar con foto Cualquier documento del gobierno de inmigracin de los Estados Unidos u otro documento conteniendo su nombre y foto Pasaporte con el sello de admisin Forma I-194/I-95/I-94W Registros escolares de las escuelas de los Estados Unidos que usted asisti Cualquier documento que el Servicio de Inmigracin y Naturalizacin o DHS que acredite la fecha de entrada Registros de viajes Registros de hospitales o mdicos Forma I-94/I-95/I-94W con fecha de autorizacin de permanencia Orden final de exclusin, deportacin, u expulsin expedida el 15 de Junio 2012 Un documento acusatorio colocndole en proceso de deportacin

Prueba de que usted vino a los Estados Unidos antes de los 16 aos de edad:

Prueba de estado de migracin:

Prueba de presencia al 15 de Junio 2012 y que usted continuamente vivi en Estados Unidos desde el 15 de Junio 2007:
Recibos de renta, recibos de servicios pblicos, escrituras, bienes races, hipotecas, contratos de arrendamiento Registros de empleo (cheques, formas de W-2, etc.) Registros de escuela (cartas, tarjetas de reporte, etc.) Registros militares (Forma DD-214 o la forma 22 NGB) Registros oficiales de entidades religiosas confirmando su participacin en ceremonias religiosas Copias de recibos de giros por dinero enviado en o afuera de el pas Pasaporte de entrada Certificados de nacimiento de nios nacidos en los Estados Unidos Transacciones fechadas del banco Recibos de la licencia de automvil o registracin Recibos de impuestos, plizas de seguro Lista de las fechas y direcciones de todas las casas en Estados Unidos

Prueba de su condicin de estudiante a la fecha de solicitar la accin diferida para los que llegaron en la infancia:
Registros de escuela (transcripciones, tarjetas de reporte, etc.) Diploma de secundaria de los Estados Unidos o certificado de finalizacin Certificado de Desarrollo General de Educacin (GED) de los Estados Unidos

Prueba de que usted es un veterano que ha sido dado de baja honorablemente de la Guardia Costera y las Fuerzas Armadas de los Estados Unidos:
Forma DD-214, Certificado de aptitud o baja del servicio activo Forma 22 NGB, Informe de la Guardia Nacional de Separacin y Registro de Servicio Registros de personal militar Registros de salud militares Resultados de huellas dactilares en vivo. ( Usted puede hacer que los resultados se los enven a la direccin de un amigo o un familiar con estatus migratorio valido.) Para mas informacin favor de visitar la pagina de internet:

Prueba de su historia criminal:

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