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BI 1 Data Warehousing for CRM

Dhruv Nath

Books for Foreign students
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Quiz on Thursday and Monday

Why are Data Warehouses Non-Volatile ?

Data Mart - disc.

Subset of the Data Warehouse Benefits ?
Lower volume of data => Speed Simpler than the DW

Examples ?
Customer Data split into Data Marts
by Region by Category of Customer (Corp, Govt, Retail) By Product..

Are these Data Marts Exclusive ?

Maybe / maybe not

The Data Warehouse Architecture

Where do Data Marts fit into this Architecture ?
Why cant we simply convert each Data Source into a Data Mart, instead of going through a Data Warehouse ?

OLTP Databases

Data Marts

Data Warehouse

Application vs Subject Oriented

Data Marts determine the queries you can ask + Speed + Complexity Therefore Managers and Analysts need to carefully decide on Data Marts at Design time

Implementing a Data Warehouse Where should the Pilot be done ?

Four Regions (rep by 4 teams) :
1. Dynamic and keen Regional Manager very poor historical data 2. Excellent historical data. RM interested but doesnt have much time 3. Recently started Region. Not much historical data, but good current data. RM interested, may spend some time 4. Small, unimportant Region, but good RM, and interested. Good historical data, but not too much of it

Key factors in deciding

CEOs interest and involvement Quality of Data Quantum of data Priority / Visibility / Acceptability of the Region / Division

BI 1 Data Warehousing for CRM

Dhruv Nath

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