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CRM 1.

0 Introduction

Dhruv Nath

Introduction : Students
IT Background
Software development CRM / ERP implementation
As a user As a Consultant

Data Warehousing / Data Mining

Experience in a BPO / Call Centre

Introduction : Self

Course Structure
Part 1 : CRM Technologies and Applications Part 2 : Strategies for Customer Relationships

Part 1 : Objectives
To be able to :
Understand technologies for implementing CRM solutions Effectively manage CRM systems implemented with these technologies

Not a techy course

Two Class Co-ordinators

Group Project
Form groups of 4-5 students each (co-ordinator to ensure submit list of groups by the next class) Project Reports :
A comparison of two non-trivial CRM products A comparison of CRM implementation in two Auto companies A comparison of CRM implementation in two Banks A comparison of CRM implementation in two Insurance companies A comparison of CRM implementation in two Telecom companies

Report (both hard copy + soft copy) to be submitted by 30th Sept No two groups should have the same combination of companies / products Selected groups to make a presentation depending on time

CRM 1.0 Introduction

Dhruv Nath

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