PozitifIK Ingilizce Testi

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Bireyin ngilizce bilgisini lmektedir. Sorular kuruma ve sektre zel hazrlanmaktadr.

Soru Says

40 dk

RNEK SORULAR 1) His new secretary failed .......... several important items. a) omit 2) b) to include c) referring d) reserve e) skip

We are working very fast. If all goes well, by next June we .......... the project. a) will be complete b) will have completed c) completed d) will completed e) complete


"I must nd the answer right away". He said that .......... the answer right away. a) he had to nd c) he has to nd e) must have been nd b) be must nd d) has found


"What will you do when you nd the answer?" I asked him .......... the answer. a) what will he do when he nds c) what will you do when you nd e) what would he do when he found b) what he will did when he nds d) what he would do when he found


Automated Teller Machines (ATM) have greatly reduced time the average citizen spent waiting in banks. a) ATMler sradan vatandalarn bankalarda beklerken harcadklar zaman byk lde ksaltmtr. b) Sradan vatandalarn ATMlerin nnde bekleme sreleri byk lde azalmtr. c) Sradan vatandalar ATMlerden dolay bankalarda daha az bekliyorlar. d) ATMler vatandalarn bankalarda sra beklemeden, ilerini ksa zamanda yapmalarn salamtr. e) Sradan vatandalar ATMler sayesinde bankalarda daha az zaman harcamaktadrlar.

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