Minutes of 2012 THCC Meeting

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TOWNHOMES OF CANYON CREEK ASSOCIATION Minutes of Annual Meeting, JUNE 23, 2012 An annual meeting of the Townhomes of Canyon

Creek Association (THCC) was held on Saturday, June 23, 2012 at 11:00. This meeting was held at 2501 Texas Ave. S., Ste. A-100, College Station, TX. Brien Ghedi called the meeting to order at approximately 11:10 AM. Lynn Powell represented At Home Properties Management & Sales. Those represented were: See Attachment

Introductions: Each member introduced themselves. Roll call and certification of proxies: It was recognized that a quorum was
present and accounted for.

Approval of last years minutes: The minutes were passed from last years

Nomination of Board Members: Nominations were made for officers for the
2012-2013 year. Brian Ghedi was nominated for President. Barbara Records was nominated for Vice President. Bill Records was nominated for Secretary. Ballots will be sent out for the entire membership to vote.

Review of budget for 2013: Lynn presented the 2013 budget. Also provided

was a budget with a $5.00 increase and another one for a $10.00 increase. It was determined not to vote on the budget for 2013 yet. Another meeting will be held on November 10th, 2012 to see how the funds are working out. Members agreed to see if the insurance cost can be reduced as well as the lawn care cost. Members agreed that the lawn care was not satisfactory and to bid out new companies.

Unfinished business:

a. Update on gate security: Lynn reported that the man who broke the gate has been arrested and charged. The members all agreed to still keep the gate operational. b. Update on Security Cameras: it was agreed to upgrade the camera system. Lynn will work on solidifying a bid to replace with new cameras including one at the pool area. Members did approve $5,000 cost for new camera system.

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New business:
a. Approval of new policies: The new policies were put before the board and it was approved to accept the policies as stated. a. Solar Energy devices and roofing material policy b. Access, production and copying policy c. Flag display policy d. Rain Barrel policy e. Collection policy and Payment Plan guidelines f. Display of religious items policy g. Document retention policy b. Approval of new management agreement: The property management agreement was approved for another year with At Home Properties, Lynn Powell. Meeting adjourned at 12:50

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