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#2 List the learning Objectives: Lesson One Objective(s) (Objective 1):

TSWBAT; answer the question What is an ecosystem? (living and non-living things in an area) o TSWBAT; decipher, classify, and give examples of biotic and abiotic factors in an ecosystem. As well as be able to identify the difference between the two. o TSWBAT; identify populations and communities and know the difference between the two. I will also make mention of what a microorganism is. (Living things that are too small to be seen without a microscope). o TSWBAT; categorize, biotic and abiotic factors when given a picture or a word, and they will also be able to explain their reasoning. (Example: Student is given a picture of, water, a deer, and the word air. He/ she will be able to tell me weather the deer is the biotic and weather the water and air are abiotic). I expect my students to perform this objective with a 100% success rate. o

Lesson Two Objective(s) (Objective 2):

o o o TSWBAT: identify producers and consumers. They will also be able to categorize the different parts of consumers; herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, and decomposer. TSWBAT: decipher between food chains and food webs and be able to create one of each. TSWBAT; explain the commutative property. They will also identify the commutative property when given examples mixed in with other properties of multiplication. TSWBAT: Add and subtract decimals using multi-step problems focused on increasing and decreasing money values. TSWBAT: understand exponents vocabulary; Exponential Notation, Standard form, and Expanded form. TSWBAT: solve exponents in the desired way; Standard and Expanded. The student will also be able to decipher between squared and cubed.

Lesson Three Objective (Objective 3): Lesson Four Objective (Objective 4):

Lesson Five Objective(s) (Objective 5):

o o

Explain how objectives are aligned with local, state, or national standards: Objective 1: This objective aligns with the South Carolina Science Indicator 5-2.2 which is: Summarize
the composition of an ecosystem, considering both biotic factors (including populations to the level of microorganisms and communities) and abiotic factors. The indicator asks students to know what makes an ecosystem. It highlights the components that the students need to know; biotic abiotic, populations, and communities. My lesson asks students to identify and explain each component separately and then when placed in a group. They will have examples and definitions of each component. Then they will be asked to identify when pictures are displayed.

Objective 2: This objective aligns with the South Carolina Science Indicator 5-2.4 which is: identify the
roles of organisms as they interact and depend on one another through food chains and food webs in an ecosystem, considering producers and consumers (herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores), decomposers (microorganisms, termites, worms, and fungi), predators and prey, and parasites and hosts. This indicator asks students to be able to identify producers and consumers; as well as to categorize the different parts of consumers; herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, and decomposer. It also asks students to be able to decipher between food chains and food webs. My lesson asks students to do this by gaining an

understanding of first producers and consumers (the 4 types of consumers). The knowledge they have gained will then help them understand the make- up of a food chain and a food web.

Objective 3: This objective aligns with the South Carolina Math Indicator 5-3.4 which is: Identify
applications of commutative, associative, and distributive properties with whole numbers. This indicator asks students to be able to identify the four properties of multiplication. My lesson will focus on the Commutative Property and students will be given a definition and a few examples of this property. My lesson also aligns with the National Common Core Standards which is Operations and Algebraic Thinking 5.OA.1: Write and interpret numerical expressions and Operations Algebraic Thinking 5.OA.2: Analyze patterns and relationships. My lesson is based on understanding the commutative property and how to identify it when it is mixed in with the other properties. It also aligns with the five NCTM process standards which are: Problem Solving (NCTM 1), Reasoning and Proof (NCTM 2), Communication (NCTM 3), Connections (NCTM 4), and Representation (NCTM 5). The lesson aligns with NCTM 1 because I am having them solve initially solve a problem with no prior instruction. It is also a problem that students find interesting and perplexing. During instruction I will implement the acting it out, I will do this by having 6 students come to the front of the class (2 girls and 4 boys). I will arrange them so that they are in the same order on both sides, then I will have one of the girls switch places on one side. This will let them see that they order changed but the amount of people stayed the same (definition of commutative property). NCTM 2 comes into play during my during assessment, as I walk around I will take note of the different ways the students solved the problem. I will then ask a few students to come to the board and write down their strategy and explain their thinking to the class. The NCTM 3 and 5 goes along with this as well. The final standard NCTM 4 falls in the very beginning with my pre assessment, when I put the problem on the board. The problem uses the other 2 fifth grade teachers so this connects the problem to the students school life.

Objective 4: This objective aligns with the South Carolina Mathematics Indicator 5-2.5 which is: Apply
an algorithm to add and subtract decimals through thousandths. The indicator asks students to use an algorithm when adding and subtracting decimals that extend up to three numbers behind the decimal. My lesson asks students to do this by calculating the earnings and spending of two sisters. Each scenario will be presented in a word problem. My lesson also aligns with the National Common Core Standard 5.NBT.7: Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide decimals to the hundredths. My lesson aligns with this standard in the same way it aligns with the South Carolina Standard, it is based on the principal of adding and subtracting money. It also aligns with the five NCTM Processing Standards which are: Problem Solving (NCTM 1), Reasoning and Proof (NCTM 2), Communication (NCTM 3), Connections (NCTM 4), and Representation (NCTM 5). The lesson aligns with problem solving by giving a problem to solve to find out how much each sister has, then asking the question, How much did each sister have? this presents students with the problem that they have to solve. The reasoning and proof and communication come into play early on in the lesson when students are asked to solve a few problems that are to preassess their understanding of adding and subtracting decimals. The connection is when I ask students how they get their money (allowance, bank account, etc.) these questions lead into another communication opportunity when I lead into a story about the two sisters. The final standard, representation comes at the end of the lesson when students have come to a final answer and they will then be allowed to share their answers and strategies with the class.

Objective 5: This lesson aligns with the South Carolina Indicator which is: 5-1.6: Generalize
connections between new mathematical ideas and related concepts and subjects that have been previously considered. The indicator asks students to make connections with new concepts and old ones. In other words; the students should use what they know and build on it. The objective also aligns with the National Common Core Standards which are: Operations and Algebraic Thinking 5.OA.1: Write and interpret numerical expressions

Operations and Algebraic Thinking 5.OA.2: Analyze patterns and relationships. These Standards asks the students to write and understand expressions and to be able to identify patterns and relationships. My lesson is on Exponents, this will be a review for the students in this class. Their teacher introduced in a prior lesson, but I will go back and make sure they remember the information that was taught to them I few days prior. My lesson aligns with the NCTM Process Standards as well. The problem solving (NCTM 1) process is used throughout the lesson, because student will have to evaluate expressions throughout the lesson. The students will have a pre and post assessment that asks them to solve 3 problems. Students must have an understanding of the vocabulary in order to solve the problems. The reasoning and proof, communication, and representation all come into play during the lesson. I will call on 3 students to come and answer the pre assessment question on the board and explain their thinking; this in NCTM 1, 2, 3, and 5). The students are solving the problem on the board, they are communicating with the class when they are explaining their thinking. The correct answer along with their work on the board shows reasoning and proof and representation. The connection processes (NCTM 4) is what this lesson revolves around, because it is a review lesson. Students were introduced to the lesson earlier in the week, so my goal is for them to make the connection between the vocabulary and numbers; as well as understand that little number (exponent) tells the big number (base) how many times 4 to multiply itself by itself. (E.g. 5 = 5x5x5x5).

Discuss why your objectives are appropriate in terms of development; prerequisite knowledge, skills; and other student needs:
Objective 1: This objective is appropriate because the students are able to identify parts of an ecosystem. The students have pre-requisite knowledge from first, second, third, and forth grade that has prepared them for the introduction to the parts of an ecosystem. This lesson is beneficial, because students will use this information again in the seventh grade, when they are introduced into all the classifications of species past populations and communities. Objective 2: This objective is appropriate because students will learn the way a food chain works. They were previously introduced to this in the third grade, but they went more in depth during this lesson. Students will not only learn food chains, they are learning the types od consumers and producers. Objective 3: This objective is developmentally appropriate because students are already aware of how to multiply. This objective will prepare the students for advanced Algebra. This objective will also prepare students to recognize expressions as well as solve them. Objective 4: This objective is appropriate because the students are reviewing information previously taught. The students have pre-requisite knowledge of how to add and subtract decimals. The students also will use this when they move on to multiplaction of decimals. Objective 5: This objective is appropriate because students are building on their pre-requisite knowledge of multiplication. The students also have pre- requisite knowledge on this objective from a previous lesson. Students will use the information learned in upper grades when they are introduced to Advanced Algebra. They also has pre- requisite knowledge of working together in teams or groups.

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