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Name: Edwin Arley Otlora Capador Nickname: Otis Ill never forget when we were champions My classmates, friends

and teachers will always remember me because I was an obedient, respectful, happy, faithful, fair, funny, friendly, intelligent, selfconfident and nervous person. People always saw my special nature ability or aptitude for everything. When I think about what to be Llerista means, I can tell you that it is Work in group a work hard for getting a good future. My life project is to be a great engineer of oil or mechanic. And it is based on the following values dignity, perseverance and respect. Ill contribute to the development of the society by means of new machine for saving energy. I would like to thank. My father because he told me always I hard to do. My teachers because they taught me all I know. My friends because they supported me in bad love good moments

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