A Treatise On Whistles Theory

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A Treatise on Whistles Theory

Department of Applied Physics and Mathematics, The University of Texas at Austin Fall 2011 Written by Richard Male (rtamale@ph.utexas.edu) Advising Team/Coauthors: B. Rubb, L. Sis

A Treatise on Whistles Theory

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One of the great unanswered questions in the universe is how the whistles go. Few people even dare to approach such a broad question. Often while considering whistle theory, one immediately jumps to the application representative in the controversial trend of whistle tips, a custom-modied automobile exhaust pipe. This exhaust pipe generates sound of a deafening intensity during operation. It is commonplace to overhear complaints of constant noise in neighborhoods where these are popular. An expanded and complete theory of whistles may help alleviate the concerns evident in many of these complaints.

The whistles are assumed to radiate from a circular pisto, an important example as it is about the simples approximation that can be made for radiation into an innite medium.

dp =

i0 V0 k v dAei(tkr ) 2r
a 2


i0 V0 k i(tkr) v0 e 2r

0 0

eik sin cos d


i0 V0 ka2 v0 i(tkr) 2J1 (ka sin ) e 2r ka sin

The whistles probably go WOO, but a more complex case of WOO WOO may arise where the geometry does not lend to cylindrical symmetry.

A Treatise on Whistles Theory

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