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Psychology Research Topics

Common Topics
Does a persons overall physical health affect his/her natural attention span? Does being involved in student-politics improve a students leadership qualities? Can a healthy social interaction help a person in building a good physical health? Does peer pressure affect a persons physical or mental health? Is there any link between watching television and obesity? Do individual differences affect stress? Does gender affect depression in individuals? Does aging affect mental illness? Does education on ethics help to in decreasing the crime-rates committed by those who have taken that education? 10) Does motivation really lead to a good performance? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

Uncommon Topics
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Can dreams affect the natural eating habit of a person? Can emotional disturbance cause insomnia? Can social alienation cause homicidal behavior in a person? Does stereotyping cause a person who has been stereotyped, to deviate from his/her otherwise natural mode of behavior and show those stereotyped attributes? Does gender affect memory? Are there any psychological benefits of laughter? Do geniuses generally have poor social adjustments? Does awareness of brand-names affect the general sensing abilities of the sensory organs? Does sleep deprivation have a role in road-accidents?

Funny Topics
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Does being bullied affect a students grades? How much a break-up can lead a person to committing suicide? Can watching too much horror films cause panic disorder among the viewers? Are lazy people more creative in problem-solving? Does a physically attractive person get more voluntary help from others?

Kinky Topics
1) Is a healthy sex-life essential for maintaining a perfectly sound mind? 2) Does frequent masturbation lead to mental illness?

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