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18/ 10/ 12

KEY t o M ETALS : : C par ar m at er i i om as

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S 355 J2WP
Informaes bsicas Padro: EN Pas: European Union Grupo de ao: Os aos estruturais e de construo Subgrupo Subgrupo EN 10025-5 (2004) Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 5: Technical delivery conditions for structural steels with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance Comentrio Method of deoxidation: FF = fully killed steel


Padro: EN Pas: European Union Grupo de ao: Os aos estruturais e de construo Subgrupo Subgrupo EN 10025-2 (2004) Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for non-alloy structural steels Comentrio Method of deoxidation: killed steel (FF).

EN 10025-5 Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 5: Technical delivery conditions for structural steels w ith improved structural steels - Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for non-alloy EN 10025-2 Hot rolled products of atmospheric corrosion resistance

Composio qumica (%)

Critrio C Mn P (*) S (*) Si Cr Cu Others (*) Critrio Critrio P S Others Comentrio For long products the P content can be 0,005% higher For long products the S content can be 0,005% higher The steels may show a Ni <= 0,70 % S C P Comentrio For grades suitable for cold roll forming, nominal t > 30mm C max = 0.24%; For sections with nominal thickness > 100mm the C content by agreement For long products the P content can be 0,005% higher For long products the S content can be 0,005% higher, and the max S content can be increased for improved machinability by 0,015% by agreement if the steel is treated to modify the sulphide and the Ca is min.0.0020% Cu content above 0,45% may cause hot shortness during hot forming for t <= 30mm; CEV = max.0.47 for 30 < t <= 150mm; CEV = max.0.49 (max.0.54 for long products) for 150 < t <= 250mm; CEV = max.0.49 for 250 < t <= 400mm 0.25 0.2 0.05 Min. Max. 0.15 1.1 0.16 0.035 0.8 1.35 0.6 Aprox. C (*) Mn P (*) S (*) Si Cu (*) CEV (*) Critrio Min. Max. 0.23 1.7 0.035 0.035 0.6 0.6 0.45 Aprox.



Propriedades Mecnicas Min. Max. Aprox. Min. Max. Aprox.

Long and flat products; 1.5 < t <= 2.0 mm; (long.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

Long and flat products; t <= 1.0 mm; (long.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

16.0 Lo = 80 mm -

14.0 Lo = 80 mm -

Long and flat products; 1.5 < t <= 2.0 mm; (trans.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) -

Long and flat products; t <= 1.0 mm; (trans.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) -



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18/ 10/ 12

KEY t o M ETALS : : C par ar m at er i i om as

Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J)

14.0 Lo = 80 mm -

Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J)

12.0 Lo = 80 mm -

Long and flat products; 2.0 < t <= 2.5 mm; (long.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

Long and flat products; 1.0 < t <= 1.5 mm; (long.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

17.0 Lo = 80 mm -

15.0 Lo = 80 mm -

Long and flat products; 2.0 < t <= 2.5 mm; (trans.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

Long and flat products; 1.0 < t <= 1.5 mm; (trans.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

15.0 Lo = 80 mm -

13.0 Lo = 80 mm -

Long and flat products; 2.5 < t <= 3.0 mm; (long.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

Long and flat products; 1.5 < t <= 2.0 mm; (long.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

18.0 Lo = 80 mm -

16.0 Lo = 80 mm -

Long and flat products; 2.5 < t <= 3.0 mm; (trans.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

Long and flat products; 1.5 < t <= 2.0 mm; (trans.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

16.0 Lo = 80 mm -

14.0 Lo = 80 mm -

Long and flat products; 3.0 < t <= 40.0 mm; (long.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) -

Long and flat products; 2.0 < t <= 2.5 mm; (long.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -


17.0 Lo = 80 mm -

Alongamento, A (%)

Lo=5.65So; For flat products: applicable up to 12 mm; For long products: applicable up to 40 mm -

Impacto, Kv/Ku (J)

Long and flat products; 2.0 < t <= 2.5 mm; (trans.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) -

Long and flat products; 3.0 < t <= 40.0 mm; (trans.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) -

Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J)

15.0 Lo = 80 mm -


Alongamento, A (%)

Lo=5.65So; For flat products: applicable up to 12 mm; For long products: applicable up to 40 mm -

Long and flat products; 2.5 < t <= 3.0 mm; (long.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) -

Impacto, Kv/Ku (J)

Long and flat products; t <= 16.0 mm Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J)
w w keyt om et al . com / Pr i t _new aspx?i =M at er i l om par at or &LN w. s n . d aC =PT

18.0 Lo = 80 mm -


Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

Long and flat products; 2.5 < t <= 3.0 mm; (trans.) Limite de
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KEY t o M ETALS : : C par ar m at er i i om as

Impacto, Kv/Ku (J)

Long and flat products; 16.0 < t <= 40.0 mm Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) 345 -

Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J)

For flat products: applicable up to 12 mm; For long products: applicable up to 40 mm -

16.0 Lo = 80 mm -

Long and flat products; 3.0 < t <= 40.0 mm; (long.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

Long and flat products; t < 3.0 mm Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

22.0 Lo=5.65So -

510 -

680 -

Long and flat products; 3.0 <= t <= 100.0 mm Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) 470 630 -

Long and flat products; 3.0 < t <= 40.0 mm; (trans.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

For flat products: applicable up to 12 mm; For long products: applicable up to 40 mm -

20.0 Lo=5.65So -

Long and flat products; t <= 12 mm Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

Long and flat products; 40.0 < t <= 63.0 mm; (long.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -


21.0 Lo=5.65So -

Charpy V Notch (-20C); Shall be verified if agreed at time of the order

Long and flat products; 40.0 < t <= 63.0 mm; (trans.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

19.0 Lo=5.65So -

Long and flat products; 63.0 < t <= 100.0 mm; (long.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

20.0 Lo=5.65So -

Long and flat products; 63.0 < t <= 100.0 mm; (trans.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Lo=5.65So Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -


Long and flat products; 100.0 < t <= 150.0 mm; (long.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa)
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KEY t o M ETALS : : C par ar m at er i i om as

trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) 18.0 Lo=5.65So -

Long and flat products; 100.0 < t <= 150.0 mm; (trans.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

18.0 Lo=5.65So -

Long and flat products; 150.0 < t <= 250.0 mm; (long.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

17.0 Lo=5.65So -

Long and flat products; 150.0 < t <= 250.0 mm; (trans.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

17.0 Lo=5.65So -

Flats; 250.0 < t <= 400.0 mm; (long.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

17.0 Lo=5.65So -

Flats; 250.0 < t <= 400.0 mm; (trans.) Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

17.0 Lo=5.65So -

Long and flat products; t <= 16.0 mm Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) 355 -

Long and flat products; 16.0 < t <= 40.0 mm Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) 345 -

Long and flat products; 40.0 < t <= 63.0 mm Limite de escoamento Rp0,2
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KEY t o M ETALS : : C par ar m at er i i om as

escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J)


Long and flat products; 63.0 < t <= 80.0 mm Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) 325 -

Long and flat products; 80.0 < t <= 100.0 mm Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) 315 -

Long and flat products; 100.0 < t <= 150.0 mm Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) 295 -

Long and flat products; 150.0 < t <= 200 mm Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) 285 -

Long and flat products; 200.0 < t <= 250.0 mm Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) 275 -

Long and flat products; t < 3.0 mm Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

510 -

680 -

Long and flat products; 3.0 <= t <= 100.0 mm Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -

470 -

630 -

Long and flat products; 100.0 < t <= 250.0 mm Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%)
w w keyt om et al . com / Pr i t _new aspx?i =M at er i l om par at or &LN w. s n . d aC =PT

450 -

600 -

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KEY t o M ETALS : : C par ar m at er i i om as

Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J)

Long and flat products; t <= 150.0 mm Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -


Charpy V Notch (-20C)

Long and flat products; 150.0 < t <= 250.0 mm Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) -


Charpy V Notch (-20C)

Flats; 250.0 < t <= 400.0 mm Limite de escoamento Rp0,2 (MPa) Resistncia trao, Rm (MPa) Alongamento, A (%) Impacto, Kv/Ku (J) 265 -

450 27

600 -

Charpy V Notch (-20C)

Propriedades Fsicas

1: Rods; Hot rolled; Gruppo Lucefin Catalogue Condio: Rods; Hot rolled; Gruppo Lucefin Catalogue
Temperatura (C) 20 Mdulo de elasticidade (GPa) 220

2012 Key to Metals AG. Todos os direitos reservados.

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