Stop Here and Link To The Online ART Activity About Fort Sumter

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Civil War Website Treasure Hunt (updated 7/2003 by Susan C.

Name: ________________________________
Go to and read through the site to
answer the following questions.
1. What is a Civil War? ___________________________________________________
2. Why did the American Civil War start? _____________________________________
3. List the states that were part of the Confederacy. ____________________________
What are the Border States? _______________________________________________
4. What were the cultural differences in the North and the South? _________________
5. What was the purpose of the Missouri Compromise of 1820? ___________________
6. Aside from the compromises, list four secession events leading to the war?
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________
7. List the causes of the Civil War? __________________________________________
Stop here and link to the online ART activity about Fort Sumter.
8. Name three influential people of the Civil War. Then, link to further information on
people by clicking on their names. List four new pieces of information your learned
about each person.
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
9. Name the battle:
This was the beginning of the Civil War _______________________________________
Volunteer soldiers lined-up in clean uniforms __________________________________
Bloodiest battle of the Civil War _____________________________________________
Led to the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation ___________________________

Turning point of the war _____________________________________________

This victory split the Confederacy in two ________________________________
10. In which state were most of the battles fought? _______________________
11. What was the purpose of the Gettysburg Address? ____________________
12. How, when, and where did the Civil War end? ________________________
13. Describe four things about the home front during the war.
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________
14. Who was Clara Barton? ________________________________________________
What were two of her accomplishments? _____________________________________
15. During the war, how many letters passed through Washington, DC, daily? ________
16. What were two disadvantages of the African Americans that fought in the war?
17. List three amendments that passes after the Civil War ended. What are they about?

18. What was Reconstruction? _______________________________________

19. What was sharecropping? _______________________________________
20. If you were in the Civil War, what side would you choose? Why? _________

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