Peercoachingconference Coachesday

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Coaches Day

8:30 9:15am Registration and touch base

9:15am 9:30am 9:30am 10:00am 10:15am 10:30am

Welcome + Overview

Phillippa Cleaves

What are we doing for our teachers and students?

Dr Les Foltos via Adobe Connect

SwapMeet What is your best strategy for getting to know your coaches?

10:30am 11:00am

Morning tea

11:00am 11:45pm

Leading Innovation in Schools A Program to support school leaders and coaches

11:45am 12:45pm

Workshop A (choice of workshop)

Advanced Feedback Peer Coaching for a new Curriculum

Facilitator upgrade reps work to refine resource to share in the final session of the day

12:45pm 1:30pm


1:30pm 2:30pm

Workshop B (choice of workshop)

Advanced Feedback Peer Coaching for a new Curriculum

2:30pm 3:15pm

Facilitator Upgrade

Explanation of pathways Taster activity Sign up

3:15pm 3:30pm

Round up and Send off.

Friday 9 November, 2012

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