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Monday, November 05, 2012 9:37 PM

Interview on: Scott A. Brown Vice President of World Wide Distribution Sales for Cisco Systems Runs 28% of the company (or 13 billion of the 46 billion in sales that Cisco has)

How much and what type of education did they receive? Went to Grafton High School Went to University of Wisconsin got Bachelors Degree in Marketing MBA at Loyola University of Chicago How much and what type of experience do they have? Working since he was 21 and is currently 46 about 25 years of work Hes been in sale and sales management and has been an executive for many years in the high technology industries What do they like and dislike about their job? He likes that he gets to travel all over the world (GOOD) Get to meets lots of different people and gets to work with technology (GOOD) Travel is away from family (DOWN SIDE) Being in sales is tough because costumers can be upset and not wanting to buy your products (DOWN SIDE) Have you seen a relationship between the amount of stress and the increase in your salary over the years? YES! It seems like the stress went up and the salary right with it How many hours do they usually work in a week? He works about 60-80 hours a week!! Do they have to travel and if so, how much and what kinds of places? Is traveling a benefit or added stress? He travels ALL OVER THE WORLD. He has been to Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, all in the past year. Traveling definitely raises the stress level because you are tired because of the time differences and the toll it takes on you when you travel. It is a benefit because you get to meet neat people and see and learn about different cultural. My dad goes to different towns early so he learns about the people and cultural early. What would they do differently and the same with regards to their career? He spent time outside of the sales industries when he first got out of college was something he regrets. He thinks it would have been good to spend time in California where Cisco Systems headquarters are. He definitely loves sales and in positions where he is interacting with people. Extra Question: Would you like to change your job or get a promotion to move you up to President of World Wide Distributions? He loves where hes at where hes working and doesnt aspire to be more than what he is. He wants to continue to do new and different things every 2-3 years.

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