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What is a Nation?

Renan Germany imposed dynasties and a military aristocracy upon the old empire of the westassuming the names of their invaders. o Origin of France, Burgundy, Lombardy, Normandy The essence of a nation is that all individuals have many things in common, and also that they have forgotten many things. A nation can exist without a dynastic principleeven those formed by dynasties can separate from them without perishing It is a populations race which remains fixed and firmwhat constitutes legitimacy or right There is no pure race Language invited people to unite but does not force them to do so o US/England or Spain/Latin America as examples Will unites people o Will of Switzerland to be united in spite of the diversity of her dialects Before German, Italian or French culture, there is human culture Religion which played a substantial role in the formation of Belgium, not ceases almost entirely as an element that defines a nation Geography plays important pat in the division of nations Moutains separate but rivers tend to unify A nation is a spiritual principlethe outcome of the profound complications of history o What things are not adequate for creation of this: Race Language Material Interest Religious affinities Geography Military necessity What makes a nation a soul/spiritual principle o Possession of a rich legacy of memories o The desire to live together o Culmination of long past endeavors, sacrifice, and devotion o A nation is a large-scale solidarity constituted by the feeling of the sacrifices that one has made in the past and for those of the future o Nation: The abdication of the individual to the advantage of the community

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