Ch. 4 Managing Marketing Information

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4 Managing Marketing Information

9/23/2012 10:11:00 AM

Marketing Information and Customer Insights Need to developed customer insight(needs and wants) from good marketing information Plenty of customer insight do to the explosion of information technologies o Don't need more need better information and to make use of info they already have The values of marketing research andmakreting information lris in how it is use- in the customer insigt it provides o Creating customer insight teams Collect customer and market informarion form a wide variety of groups Traditional marketing research studies, mingling/observing customers, observing along conversations Marketing information system- consist if people and procedures dedicated to assessing information and helping decision makers use the information to generate and validate actionable customers and market insights o Begins and ends with information users (marketing managers, internal & external parnters, and others who need marketing information) 1st information users to assess infomarion needs 2nd marketing envirment to develop needed information through the exteva company database 3rd analyze and use the info. to develop costumer insights, making marketing decisions, and manage customer relationships Assessing Marketing information Marketing information system primarily serves the companys marketing and other mangers but also external parners (suppliers, resellers, marketing agency services)

9/23/2012 10:11:00 AM

9/23/2012 10:11:00 AM

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