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Urgent Appeal: I{elp us deifeat dis crimination, bigotry, and Islamophobia by making a generous donation TODAY

Ahmed Rehab
Executive Director

August 13,2012

Dear Supportefs,

Assalam Alaikum and Ramadan Kareem,

I am writing today to ask you to do your part by supporting our efforts with your Ramadan Zakat.
Despite our growth and increasing success as an organization,I have found this year's Ramadan fundraising to be exceptionally difficult. In fact, we have only raised 15% of what we raised last year. perhaps it is because of the pressing need for donations in the Middle East and other parts of the world. reihaps it is because of the difflcult economy. But one thing is certain: we cannot afford to let our local institutions that are performing here in the United States fail. CAIR-Chicago does not receive government funding, corporate monies, foreign donations, national support, or foundation grants. Given the nature of the flght for truth and justice, we must cherish our institutional independence by counting exclusively on our local community of individual donors - on you!
is for this reason that I find it necessary to send you this urgent appeal. Seven years ago, my partners and came to you with a promise: to build a IVIusIim civil rights defense and advocacy institutior, -ltr, t-tre trighesadegree of professionalism. With the grace of God, we have delivered and


permits us.

vow to continue to deliver so long as God

Over the years, we have successfully resolved over 21122 cases of discrimination at zero cost to our clients. That is over 2,000 Muslims and their families who otherwise could not afford justice. your support, first and With foremost, and our humble efforts, they were vindicated. Helping the victims oiinjustice ."gui., theii dignity and peace of mind is one of the highest forms ofjihad, and has a lofty reward with Allah.

Willyou play

More than ever, the surest jihad for truth, justice, and pJagg is not with the sword, but the pen and microphone.


CAIR-Chicago's media advocacy - on the order of hundreds of interviews and articles every year - contribute a steady stream of timely and rational Muslim perspectives into national debates that affect us all.

institutions, pursue The hundreds of interns, externs, and law clerks that train with us have moved on to lead other graduate degrees at top universities, and practice law at notable law flrms. in the That is hundreds of young leaders who will play a lifelong role in the pro-justice, anti-bigotry movement US. Ours is not simply an organization, but a movement'
once again rear With next year's election cycle around the corner, you can rest assured that Islamophobia will Our network of allies its ugly head. We u.. pr"pr..d to fight on your side, on the side of faimess and equality. our operation is growing, our base of supporlerc is g.o*irrg, but our funds are dwindling and the continuance of
stands threatened.

and ensure ask that you rush a donation of $500 to hetp us make up for this year's fundraising shortage that our projects and advocacy do not meet an untimely demise.


year. The result is that successes are cumulative, meaning each year builds on the success of the previous


each year of operation, our impact on defending

civil rights, flghting bigotry and promoting tolerance is exponen-

tially more effective.

hope that we vow never to waiver in our fight to expose the Islamophobes and bigots in this country I sincerely you JOIN us by supporting us with your donations.

to cover our full Also, please consider signing up for the dollar a day program. It takes just 2,000 memberships that will help budget so that we would never need to fundraise again. Please be among that team of supporters give us full independence to do what we do best: produce results.
please remember this: Every dotlar hetps us defeat the phenomenon of Islamophobia in the US, as well as finding recourse for its victims. Please send in your donation envelope today. Thank you in advance for your support.

A, FrhAAhmed Rehab
Executive Director, CAIR-Chicago

Please ruslt your donation today, viu: L. Online : www. cairc hic ag o" o rg 2. Enclosed donstion enveloPe 3.Call our ffice - 312.212.1520

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