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The Troubled Times

The Bad English/Chinese of

PSG arrested for smoking in No Smoking zone

PSG has been arrested by the police for not obeying the rules, but then the corrupted officer was a big fan of MTV song Gangnam Style (Which class 6A was forced to dance for the Graduation Party) and would give him some slack if PSG would teach him the Horseback. Beware of corrupted police officers WSPS. Singapores Main languages are Singapore. not being used properly by quite a lot of Singaporeans. Singlish is starting to take over. Main reasons for this abnormal change are because the teachers in Black Soil Primary School are talking Singlish in class. The students are learning from them and passing their Good Language to their friends and family who then passes them down. The process repeats itself and there the language comes out. On a smaller scale, most people do know their English, Malay and Chinese.

Comic of the day

Wanted People Shown Below


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Teddy Bear He left his owner who was asleep and did not protect him from the bed monster. Reward $5000 Santa Claus He purposely put all the children he knew in the naughty list, so that none of the children would get his presents and he could keep it. Reward $8500

P.S. You will need a QR code reader P.S.S This is not a good Reward P.S.S.S Dont say we didnt warn you

Aries- Your friendship with you friends will improve drastically. Taurus-Your hopes will be realised, but do not expect everything you hope to come true (So hope that its your PSLE results) Gemini- The truth finally comes out of the dark, but it is not really what you want to know. Cancer-You might get sick easily, so drink more water. Leo- Like Leo the Cub, you are playful this season, causing people to dislike you for a while. Virgo- Your study will be good this month, but then again, PSLE is over. -_-lll Libra- Finding your love will be easier this month and you can really impress them. But watch out for traps on the way there your feeling might be hurt really badly as this is also when most of the others feel stress, angry and depressed. Scorpio- Apparently you dont get good or bad luck this month. Sorry Sagittarius-The best time for you. You might have suffered a lot the last month, but you are going to leave that side of you. Capricorn- I dont think you should feel happy Capricorners. This is one bad month you are getting, but after this, you will be ok. Aquarius-You can interpret today's aspects in several ways today. Pisces- You should not get so happy. This month might be good, yes, but then you will experience things that would change your life from good to bad. But for those who did good the last few months, dont be that worried. You might experience the opposite of those I mentioned earlier. Even if you did not, dont worry, if there is something that is good about you, the experience will not be that bad for you. Besides, Failure is the mother of success. (These horoscopes are real.) Lucky numbers for all- 4, 7, 6, 5 and 49 (I dont really think these are good numbers.)

TV Schedule for CNP, The only channel that wants The Troubled Times to put their schedule in this newspaper. Channel News Pacific Tuesday
12 a.m. - 2 a.m. SG news 2 a.m. 10 a.m. Useless but funny trivia 10 a.m. 4.30 p.m. Working Mans news 4.30 p.m. 10 p.m. World news 10 p.m. 11.59 p.m. SG news 11.59 p.m. 12a.m. Close

12 a.m. - 2 a.m. SG news 2 a.m. 10 a.m. Useless but funny trivia 10 a.m. 4.30 p.m. Working Mans news 4.30 p.m. 10 p.m. World news 10 p.m. 11.59 p.m. SG news 11.59 p.m. 12a.m. Close

Todays fortune Cookie

(Which I ate XD)

Closed for new monthly check

Help yourself first. Then help others.

We are not sorry for the inconvenience caused, so just suck this (We mean more) incident up

School Crimes
Teacher jailed for 100 years
The defendant, Mr Benut Fernandy has been charged with 100 years of imprisonment for numerous wrongdoings, mostly aimed at the Primary 6s. The judge who prefers to be named Taco said I hope that through this incident the pupils can enjoy their lesson at school again and learn from this man that what he did was wrong. Taco said that he was once a student in another school with Mr Fernandy as the Principle and the whole school was in chaos due to that. Although Mr Fernandy said that many pupils and parents respected him, they were delighted that they did not have to put up with him any longer when he was leaving the school. One of his past students commented that he managed to get As from his past Cs when he heard that Mr Fernandy was leaving.

Students gave part of their life so they can get smarter.

Students sold their souls to Mrs Meh to gain knowledge about everything in Maths. Mrs Meh admitted to trying to take their youth so that she could stay beautiful and young. There is no evidence of the machinery used yet and Mrs Meh would not say anything about it. Investigations are still on-going.

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