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1. Continuous farting for 6 years and 9 months would create energy equal to that of atomic bomb 2. After 100 years from now, Face book will have 500 million accounts of dead people 3. The average cell Phone contains more bacteria than a toilet seat!! 4. You see your nose at all times, your brain just chooses to ignore it. 5. Both Hitler and Osama Bin Laden were announced dead on May 1. 6. 99% people backspaces their whole password when they just mess up one letter. 7. There are 84 people in USA named LOL. 8. 3 most common lies on internet.

9. The average guy will cry 6 times a year while the average woman will empty her tear ducts somewhere around 30 and 64 times. 10.You would have to walk for 7 hours straight to burn off a super sized coke, french fries and big mac.

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