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The test is complete, your results are below.

The scores are between one and five. The percentile is what percent of people you score higher than.





3.4 Extraversion reflects how much you are oriented towards things outside yourself and derive satisfaction from interacting with other people. [more]


Conscientiousness 3.7
Conscientiousness reflects how careful you are, both in respect to orginization and rules. [more]



1.5 Neuroticism reflects how much you are in touch with your emotions. [more]

Agreeableness Openness

4.5 Agreeableness reflects how much you like and try please others. [more] 3.5 Openness reflects how much you seek out new experinces. [more]

78 18

Below is a graph of how other people have scored on this test.

Research The big five personality traits have been some of the most researched constructs in psychology. Here is a summary of some of it and how it applies to you. Neurobiology
Trait Openness Extraversion Neuroticism Agreeableness Heritability 0.57 0.54 0.48 0.42

Conscientiousness 0.49

The big five personality traits have been found to have a significant biological component. A review by Bouchard and McGue (2002) found that variation in the traits was about half due to biology. Their exact values are tabled on the right. DeYoung et. al. (2010) studied the size of areas of peoples brains in relationship to the big five and found "Extraversion covaried with volume of medial orbitofrontal cortex, a brain region involved in processing reward information. Neuroticism covaried with volume of brain regions associated with threat, punishment, and negative affect. Agreeableness covaried with volume in regions that process information about the intentions and mental states of other individuals. Conscientiousness covaried with volume in lateral prefrontal cortex, a region involved in planning and the voluntary control of behavior." Interpersonal conflict Suls, Martin and David (1998) found that agreeableness was associated with subjective distress in social conflict situations. Your high score for agreeableness thus indicates that you can find interpersonal conflict quite distressing.

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