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Off Hills Palace, Thripunithura, Thiruvankulam, Kochi 682305 TERMINAL ASSESSMENT EXAMINATION October 2012 BUSINESS PROCESS RE-ENGINEERING Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 60 PART- A (Answer all Questions. 1 X 15 = 15 marks) Instructions
PART- A Should be answered in the separate Answer Book for issued, and returned to the invigilator within half an hour of the commencement of the examination. Answer all the questions All questions carry one mark each 1. Which technique is used when sufficient number of cases is reported for purpose of comparison of re-engineering process?

(A) Process Benchmarking

(B) Process redrafting (C) Process Manipulation (D) Process Analysis 2. Applying for passport through Passport Seva Kendra. It is a case of (A) IT Enablement alone (B) IT Enablement and BPR (C) Only BPR (D) Neither IT Enablement Nor BPR 3.Which one is not a Key Attribute of Service Quality? (A) Time taken for service (B) Cost to provide or access the service (C) No. of Resource used to provide service (D) Convenience of citizen to access the service 4. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of Process Reengineering initiative? (A) Radical Transformation (B) High Investment (E) Process-Led Initiatives (D) Limited Number of Initiatives 5. Process Maps do not have the following item (A) Players (B) Swim Lane (C) Decision Box (Notation) 6. A business process re-engineering model has main activities as :A. Goal definition, System analysis, documenation B. Business Definition , Process Identification , Process Evaluation C. Business design, process manipulation, process design D. None of these 7. High Criticality & Low Feasibility processes are called (A) Pursue (B) Permit (C) Target (D) Defer (D) Actors

8. Which of the following activities is not part of the software reengineering process model? A. Forward Engineering B. Inventory Analysis

C. Proto Typing, D. Reverse Engineering 9. Which of the following is not an issue to consider when reverse engineering? A. Abstraction level B. Completeness C. Connectivity D. Directionality 10. Which is the first communication in re-engineering project? A. Vision statement B. Mission Statement C. Objective 11. ERP can be made effective by A. Performance assessment, Documentation, Training B. System Design and Documentation C. As the rules and regulations D. Software Implementation 12. Which process is not dominant in Business Process Re-engineering? A. Product Development B. SWOT Analysis C. Procurement 13. AS-IS : TO-BE Analysis is ----------------A. Requirement Analysis B. Gap Analysis C. System Analysis D. Training D. Design Analysis D. Process

14. BPR is rethinking of the business processes to improve the speed, quality & output of:A. Product or services B. Growth C. Values and Beliefs D. None of these 15. Which of the following are obstacle to success of BPR project as par manganelli/Klein methodology? A. Risk and cost B. Product and Cost C. Profit and Loss D. None of these PART- B (4 X 5 = 20) Answer any four Questions Each Question carries 5 marks 16. What are the most significant challenges while implementing BPR initiatives? 17. What steps can be taken to ensure buy-in from relevant stakeholders during the implementation of a BPR initiative? 18. Describe the Matrix of Change methodology. How does it help BPR? 19. Disuses the principles of re-engineering. Explain its advantages 20. What is IT enabled transformation? Justify the need for IT enabled transformation in business. Explain with example what are the right transformational technologies? 21 What are four competitive strategies enabled by information systems that firms can pursue? How can information systems support each of these competitive strategies? Give examples

PART- C (1X 10 = 10) Answer Any one 22. Implementation of Information Systems is preceded by a Business Process Re-Engineering exercise. Write a detailed note listing and describing, change management that is very important to a successful implementation of IS in an organization.

23. Discuss the importance of ERP systems in a Small and medium type business organizations. Explain the methodology and its various stages of implementing an ERP system PART- D (1X 15= 15) 24. Read this case and answer the questions. Enron: The Worlds Largest E-Commerce Web Site for Commodity Transactions Enron is a leading energy and communications company based in Houston. It has over 32,000 miles of pipeline and has built or acquired production or distribution facilities as it has moved into other industries. Its traditional business was buying and selling gas and electricity by purchasing from public utilities with surplus supplies and selling to utilities that need more. Starting from its base as the dominant player in the U.S gas and electric power trading it branched out, became the leading gas and power trader in Europe, and also built other trading operations in paper, coal, and plastics. In January 2000 it announced it would begin trading telecommunications bandwidth, excess capacity on fiber optics networks. It now controls over 10,000 mils of fiber. In late 1999 it opened Enron Online, an e-commerce for Enrons trading operations in energy and other areas. Within one year, it had the highest amount of dollar transactions any e-commerce site in the world. As of October 11-2000, Enron had used the site for executing over 350,000 online transactions involving commodities with a gross value of $ 183 billion. Within a year of its launch, over 60% of the worlds wholesale gas trades were on Enron Online. At an average of over one-half million dollars per trade, it was a far cry from buying several books at a B2C site. Unlike a typical B2B exchange that provides services for buyers and sellers but does not own anything that is being traded, Enron is actually a principal in all of the transactions on its site. It guarantees delivery or payment on all sales executed through Enron Online. If a public utility uses the site to sell a fixed amount of gas to be delivered over days in June, Enron will actually use its pipeline facilities to receive and resell that gas at whatever price it can get at that time. Conversely, if Enron contracts to deliver a guaranteed supply of gas to a utility if its local temperature go over 95 degrees, it will actually make sure the delivery occurs unless it sells the contract to someone else. The fact that Enron participates in a large number of trades and controls a large number of buy and sell contracts at any time gives it a great deal of flexibility to recombine those contracts in new way to meet needs of utility buyers. In some ways this is like doing a jigsaw puzzle whose pieces are existing and potential contracts for future delivery. Enron Online lets buyers and sellers act on prices that can change by the minute. Buyers and sellers see real-time price spreads of both the sell price and the buy price. By the time monthly prices had been quoted on the telephone those prices might have changes. Reuters and Dow Jones have offered subscription-based real-time commodity pricing for some time, but Enrons service provides real-time pricing for 800 products at no charge. The switch to Enron Online removed the companys 500 traders from the order process, allowing them to handle 10 times the previous order volume by focusing solely on bidding based on Enrons own needs and costs. Transactions that once took three minutes over the phone now take a few seconds, including credit checks.43 QUESTIONS


How is Enron Online different from the B2B exchange Explain why the case either says or implies that Enrons traders use each of the six types of information systems. If there is any reason to believe Enron does not use a particular type of information system, explain why?


Ten years ago very few people in the power industry would have anticipated the development of EnronOnline. Explain why you do or do not believe the entire trading process could be automated. Start by explaining what information and knowledge would have to be used.

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