Alexis Bertrand - Essay

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Alexis Bertrand College Essay

Choose Your Own Topic: What makes you diverse? I like to think that one can never have too many hobbies. If you stick your finger in multiple pies, youre bound to find one you like, right? Ive subjected myself to so many experiences that I have a story for just about any situation and, though being a jack of all trades gets you almost nowhere, I have found a few things that Id want to master. My academic performance in high school wasnt great; however it didnt mean that I never learn anything. My academic focus pushed toward the option of being able to aid people. I always loved learning how to follow and, when I was ready for, knowing how to lead. I have participated in Academic Decathlon for two-years (Jr & Sr) then became its captain. I also started the Scholastic Bowl/Quiz Bowl team here with the help of the student body, an open-minded principal and a French teacher turned coach. I took Japanese classes my freshman through junior year, but due to scheduling issues, I couldnt do a fourth. All the while, I made a heavy effort in band. From sophomore to senior year, I was on the drum line, probably one of the most positive and rewarding experiences of my high school career. I knew that Id have to buckle down and pick something I could carry on with for the rest of my life. Japanese provided the best options; rich culture, musical prowess, and the option to be able to translate and teach. My passion for helping people and being a positive part of the community would make me a candidate for a school trying to operate on a global level. No one can run the world with one language or just one type of person. Depth and the willingness to adapt, learn, and teach are all things that make up a perfect student. Im less than perfect. Im nowhere near perfect, but with a little help from the right university, I can take a step in the right direction.

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