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Face the play

In the book Face: The Play by Benjamin Zephaniah and Richard Conlon. Martin is the main character in the book, but his life is turned arrowed when he is in a car crash and his face is badly burnt. Martin is played by three different people: past Martin, present Martin and narrative Martin. The three different Martins are both similar and different. Past Martin is a confident boy and can sometimes be cocky. Past Martin is a cool boy who goes to high school and he has a model girlfriend. Past Martin is rascies against people who look different to him, in the book he said it is human nature to not like people who are different. Present Martin is not so confident at first because people made fun of him because he did not look pretty, and his model girlfriend left him. In time his confidence grows as the book went on because people started accept Martin for who he really is. Martin was not interested in what people thought of him in the end of the book. Narrative Martin knows everything about the two Martins. He is the same person as present Martin in the end of the book. The three martins are both very different and similar inside they are the same person. Past Martin was very confident in a bad way because he

was not nice to others. Present Martin was confident in a good way he was kind to others. Narrative Martin was the same as present Martin. So all the three martins are the same inside.

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