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Searching for Scholarships:

Tips that pay! Every year students miss out on many scholarship opportunities. This is free money, money which students can use to pay for educational expenses. Think about the possibilities. If you spend two hours working on an application and win an $800 scholarship, that is equivalent to $400 an hour for your time. Searching for scholarships has potential to be the best part time job ever!
1.) Start Organized, Stay Organized! Being organized throughout your scholarship search is crucial. Just as you would constantly be aware of tasks you need to complete at a job, you should always be aware of new scholarships, scholarship deadlines as well as updating your applications. Staying organized not only helps you look professional (an eye catcher for scholarships), but it also helps you to minimize work for yourself. Here are some suggestions for helping you stay organized; a.) Create a calendar in an e-mail account that you check every day to notify you of upcoming scholarship deadlines and requirement due dates. b.) Before you start applying to scholarships, make an Excel spreadsheet that lists all perspective scholarships that you may apply to, the deadlines and requirements. c.) Schedule time in your planner for applications and youre more likely to get it done. 2.) Start looking EARLY! The earlier you start looking for scholarships, the more time you have to prepare you application. Did you know the financial aid office has a scholarship book students can review? 3.) Start local! To avoid becoming overwhelmed, look for local scholarships. Look at your local high schools, churches, Rotary clubs, grocery stores, etc. Not only are there fewer students applying to them, but you save yourself a lot of stress by not becoming overwhelmed. 4.) Not one, but many! When it comes to applying for scholarships, dont limit yourself to a certain number. Keep searching, keep applying, and dont give up. The more scholarships you apply to, the better chance you have of winning. 5.) Institutional Scholarships! Dont forget to apply to UNH Manchester scholarships! These include degree program, MaKrist and enrichment scholarships. Start looking for these scholarships around early Spring. 6.) HELP! As a Financial Aid Office, our job is to make your financial aid process easier to deal with. If you need more information about scholarships or have questions; please give us a call! UNHM FA Office: (603) 641-4189

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