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Secret Lairs: Environment research

Borneo Horned Frog Borneo horned frog was among thousands of species recorded during a recent biodiversity survey of Mount Kinabalu in northern Borneo (National geographic)

Following some information about the Borneo Horned Frog, I began looking into this particular species country of origin, Borneo

! ! ! South east asia Home of one of the oldest rain forests in the world The ancient Indians called Borneo Suvarnabhumi (the land of gold)

One of the earliest evidence of Hindu inuence in

Southeast Asia was stone pillars bearing religious inscriptions dating back to around 300 AD Gold, tortoise shells, ivory, rhinoceros horn, beeswax, dragons blood (red resin extracted from plants. was used in ancient times as varnish, medicine, dyes) edible birds nests were once some of the most valuable items in Borneo ! There are thousands of species of plants and trees,

including the green speckle pitcher plant ! ! There are many exotic mammals and birds in the area Environments within include: swamp forests, heath forests, mangroves and shrubland.

Green speckle pitcher plants

Hindu/buddhist architecture in south East Asia

Buddhist Stupa
Dating back to around 1BC Sacred buildings used for meditation and worship, in an open air setting Contains a shrine of the Buddha within Earliest known stupa is the Sanchi Stupa. Stupas designs provided inuence for later Hindu temples.

Ankor Wat
Wat translates to mean monastery. The largest Hindu Temple complex in the world. Dates from the 12th century. Built by King Suryavarman II, and was dedicated to the Hindu Gods Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu. Situated in the city of Angkor, in Northwestern Cambodia.

Within the city are reservoirs, canals and moats, which were used once for irrigation.

Buddhist temple dating from around the 8th/9th century. Situated in Central Java, Indonesia. Walls are decorated with thousands of low relief panels. There are 72 stupas around the main temple, each containing a statue of the Buddha. The temples design reects an indian inuence. It is used as a shrine to the Buddha, and is also used for pilgrimage.

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