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Location Ideas

Gemma Lovitt

Location Ideas For My Magazine

For my magazine I want a range of locations to ensure that Im being unique and try to push to get a better grade at the end of my media course. Therefore the location that I am aiming to take my pictures in will be over a range of different places including indoors and out. All my indoor images will be done properly with the correct camera, background, and lights to ensure that my photos look a professional standard as I dont want my magazine to look tacky. The inside images will maintain a formal standard and look as I will aim to use specific props such as a microphone or instrument to ensure that I am always linking to the genre of the magazine. Similarly the inside photos will focus on a serious look as I want the audience to take my magazine seriously and not something thats just seen as a fun and jokey thing to read. However I still want to take images outside on places such as the field or against brick walls to convey particular meanings or messages that may link in with my article. Similarly I want to change the location to make sure that I dont loose the readers interest therefore ensuring that they dont become bored of the same thing. Having outdoor images can link in with the genre of my magazine being RnB as I can use the environment such as graffiti on walls to link in with the association that RnB conveys. When making the final decisions on where my photos and other objects will be located the most important thing I must remember is that the location isnt there for the sake of it and similarly follows the codes and conventions that my particular magazine is focusing on being RnB.

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