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1. ISDN stands for a. Integral Service Dynamic Network b. International Subscriber Dialup Network c.

International Service Digital Network d. Integrated Service Digital Network Answer: d. Integrated Service Digital Network 2. Stack consists of a. Register b. RAM c. ROM d. CPU Answer: RAM 3. Microprogramming is designing of a. Controll Unit b.ALU c. CPU d. None of the above Answer: a. Controll Unit 4. Minimum number of operands with any instruction a.0 b.1 c. 8 d. 16 Answer: a.0 5. Which of the following medical activity was made possible by computers? a. Open Heart Surgery b. Vaccination c. Brain scan d. X Ray Answer: C. Brain Scan 6. FTP is a. Mail tranfer potocol b. File Transfer Protocol c. File Transformation Program d. Firewall Type Program

Answer: b. File Transfer Protocol 7. Stored program concept was introduced by a. Pascal b. Hoolerith c.Stallman d. Newmann Answer is d. Newmann 8. BSS loader is a. General b. Absolute c. Relocating d. None of the above Answer is c. Relocating 9. Noise resistance is very low in the case of a.AM b.FM c. PM d. FSK Answer is a. AM 10. The first Indian analog computer was implemented by Indian stastical Institute of Culcutta in a. 1947 b. 1956 c. 1953 d. 1961 Answer is C. 1953 11. Which of the following is considered to be a popular coding scheme? a. ASCII b. EBCDIC c. Unicode d. All the above Answer is D.all the above 12. Database software may be divided into

a. four distinct categories b. three distinct categories c. two distinct categories d. none of the above Answer is B.three distinct categories 13. A link may be defined as the representation of an a. objects b, application c. program d. none of the above Answer isc. programme 14. DPI stands fot a. Desktop projection Ink b.Dot per Inch c. Dotmatricks printer ink d. Desktop pixel Inch Answer is b.Dot per Inch 15. A string of eight 0s and 1s is called a: a. megabyte. b. byte. c. kilobyte. d. gigabyte. Answer:b byte.

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