Nov Min DKG

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The November 5, 2012 meeting was held in the home of Linda Luker of Lovington. Dinner was enjoyed by all before the business meeting. Those attending were: Linda Luker, Connie Osborn. Linda Cauthen, Anne Chaffin, Kathy Studley, Mary Jean Reese, and LaVerne Chaffin. The business meeting was called to order by President Anne Chaffin. Mary Jean Reese read an opening meditation. The minutes were approved as written and will be filed. The treasurer's report was presented and filed for audit. Mary Jean Reese read a note from Rosalie Wilhoit. She paid her dues but can't attend the meetings. She now lives in Carlsbad, NM. Unfinished business: Kathy Studley informed us about a project she is working on for her Early Childhood Class. Our chapter is going to help in anyway needed. The Strategic Action Plan for our chapter will be worked on in January. New Business: We discussed the part our chapter will do for the Theta State Convention in April. We will be working with our sister chapter, Alpha Lambda, to make this an awesome convention! Chapter yearbook pages will be sent by Anne Chaffin to Pat Burnett. Anne will also send the request for Certificate of Insurance-Daniels Insurance -to the state. The joint meeting of DKG will be held at the First Christian Church on December 1, 2012, at 10:00 am. Lambda is the hostess this year. We are each to bring finger foods and a Christmas decoration for the center pieces. These decorations will be the door prizes. Linda Cauthen will provide the entertainment. She will have singers from her classes in Lovington. Eunice members will do the invitations and bring paper goods and the drinks. Nominations for Theta State Officers and Committee Members are due by January 6, 2013. Nadyne Gartman gave a memorial to honor Robert Hamrick. The $25.00 will go to our Professional Development Fund. Bob was the husband of long time DKG sister, Mary Jo Hamrick. The meeting was adjourned. Anne Chaffin presented a brief program on the International Convention held in New York City last summer. Respectafully submitted, LaVerne Chaffin, Secretary

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