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Assignment topics Modern day Pakistans ongoing challenges

Every topic to be dealt on following levels: investigate problem in its detail comparison with peers (south Asian countries, developing countries) comparison with developed nations Reasons for the problems investigated and our way out.

Foreign policy and relationship with outside world

1. Pakistans relationships with neighboring counties: India and china (history: trade and foreign policy, future potential) 2. Pakistans relationships with neighboring counties: Russia, Iran, Afghanistan (history: trade and foreign policy ,future potential) 3. Pakistan and west relationship 4. Pakistan and the Muslim world 5. Terrorism (a challenge to our own security, how and why we got tagged as terrorists and how can we repeal this title) 6. Kashmir issue 7. Challenges as a nuclear power

Health and Education system

8. 9. 10. 11. Primary and middle level education Secondary and higher secondary education Higher education in Pakistan Education (challenges: not free, not for everyone, different qualities, different medium of instructions, teachers training, teaching methodology etc, is it effective in terms of creating social awareness. Social responsibility, understanding of dynamics of the modern world, future challenges, character building. Investigate: where does the problem lie? 12. Challenges in Heath Sector : include: health services: food quality control, access to balanced quality food , child mortality rates, basic vaccinations etc

Water and energy:

13. Energy crises: investigation and solution, renewable energy. 14. Water crises: Portable water, crop irrigation (Indus river treaty: baghlehar dam) 15. Natural exploitation (exclude power generation)

Trade, Economy, industry, agriculture:

16. Major industries of Pakistan and poor industrial growth. Investigate government policies their efficiency and suggest what you would plan growth if entrusted with planning on national level. Include: (reasons behind poor industrial growth like corruption, monopolization etc) comparison with south Asian countries. Models of developed countries, 17. foreign investment: What is FDI? Its importance .pros and cons. How much FDI Pakistan is attracting? Comparison with peers. Reasons for Low FI and recommendations 18.

International trade: imports and exports. Sea trade:

ports (e.g. gwadar port)

19. National debt: how incurred, to whom we owe, our way out, political implications for us, 20. Poverty in Pakistan: include: per capita income, inflation, labour rights protection, child labour issue, employment rate etc 21. Agriculture: its growth, role in national economy, challenges, comparison with peers, reforms 22. Pakistan in field of technology 23. Tourism in Pakistan ( domestic and international)

Law and Politics

24. constitution of Pakistan Include: What is it and its importance. Discuss from Pakistans prospective: its formations, and abrogation. 25. Pakistan democracy: Role of bureaucracy and military 26. Pakistan democracy challenges: elections: Party politics and peoples voting behaviors, fairness of elections, representative character of parliament and government, adherence of parties to manifestos once in government. Is this a right choice for Pakistan? Suggest alternative. 27. Islamic republic of Pakistan: where does Islam has to do with state affairs in Islamic theory? How do you analyze Pakistans condition in this scenario? 28. law and order situation, availability of justice (legal system) 29. Corruption

People of Pakistan:
30. Role of Pakistani media (pros and cons), its effectiveness in the face of international and Indian media, its role in building Pakistans image and nation building, and discuss future potential 31. Nationalism: how to promote nationalism, Ethnicity diversity (is it a threat). Is it right to see nationalism in religious perspective?

32. Pakistans youth: potentials, shortcomings, challenges, how to maximize and benefit from their potential, responses to conflict of identities (Islam , Pakistan, western culture), level of awareness and sense of direction for future 33. Safeguards for the vulnerable entities: minorities and women (how to empower them and utilize their potential to their full) 34. Safeguards for the vulnerable entities: labour class

Our potentials: Our challenges: Our essentials:

Select your group leaders. An opportunity for selecting your own topics can be arranged if demanded.but select droup leaders for this purpose and select the topic with consensus in your group first. Good luck

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