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MESSAGE FROM MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES TO THE MONTRAL COMMUNITY Dear Montrealers: Montral municipal employees are following the

news along with their fellow Quebecers. We are all affected by the reprehensible acts committed by some individuals. We understand the populations concern over a few employees who have betrayed the relationship of trust that must exist between municipal employees and the community. In this particular context, it is important that we, as municipal employees, remind Montrealers that the Ville de Montral is an organization that employs dedicated, honest and competent individuals. We are those blue- and white-collar workers, professionals, information agents, librarians, technicians, secretaries, department managers, firefighters and managers that you probably see every day. Our commitment toward the community is unwavering and a driving force on which you can rely. We wish to emphasize that integrity, openness, competence and a respect for ethics are among the core values that we defend. We are all citizens and taxpayers who want sound, honest and efficient management of public funds. That is why we salute the work of the Charbonneau Commission that we requested time and time again. Also, we support the measures that have been implemented and any future actions to improve the management of contracts awarded by the city. Although current events have tarnished the image of the institution and the municipal public service, we have maintained our capacity to act and assure you that the pride of a job well done is an integral part of our motivation and raison dtre.

Guy Hbert City Manager Ville de Montral Michel Parent President Syndicat des cols bleus regroups de Montral Alain Fugre President Syndicat des fonctionnaires municipaux de Montral Ronald Martin

President Association des pompiers de Montral inc. Pascale Tremblay President Association des cadres municipaux de Montral Jacques Brisebois President Association des contrematres municipaux employs par la Ville de Montral inc. Gisle Jolin President Syndicat des professionnelles et professionnels municipaux de Montral Martin Tremblay President Syndicat professionnel des scientifiques pratique exclusive de Montral Jean-Nicolas Loiselle President Syndicat des employes et employs professionnel-les et de bureau section locale 571 Claude Picotte President Syndicat des architectes de la Ville de Montral

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