Lisa Alva Writes To Teachers About Union Participation

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Colleagues: Recent events in Chicago demonstrated the power of the "ordinary" teacher.

According to the New York Times, CTU's House of Delegates holds all the cards:

Robert Bloch, the lawyer for the teachers union, who had taken part in negotiations, said that both sides were still working out the details but that union officials were hopeful that they could present a complete agreement to the unions House of Delegates which has nearly 800 members on Sunday (9/16/12). But he cautioned that the decision to lift the strike did not rest with the negotiators. Its for the House of Delegates to determine whether we will suspend the strike so kids can go back to school, he said.
In UTLA, the equivalent body is the House of Representatives. You can join this body by filling out a form; the obligation is to attend the majority of seven meetings a year. Our House of Reps is understaffed. This means that the loudest voices are the ones most heard, and their priorities become the union's priorities. They may or may not be your priorities, or those of your colleagues. You felt strongly enough about the Reed case to sign a brief supporting the rights of children and junior teachers. This is the kind of policy issue that the UTLA House of Representatives (HoR) decides. As an HoR member, I've been able to re-word motions to make them more moderate and reasonable, bring critical issues to teachers for their vote, and pass vitally important initiatives. This is empowering it's taking control versus surrendering control. It can actually be fun! A focused group of individuals could make a huge difference in how Los Angeles teachers are perceived and treated. They could change the tone of our rhetoric from accusation to conversation. Such a group could promote a new future for thousands of children and their teachers. You could be a part of that group. Please nominate yourself for the UTLA House of Reps. Just fill out the enclosed selfnomination form and send it directly to UTLA in the envelope. (Yes, this mailer and the enclosed FAQ sheet come from our friends at Teachers for a New Unionism; using this form does not obligate you, me or anyone to support TNU - it's entirely up to you whether to become involved.) In seven meetings a year, you can change UTLA. You can make a union that really represents you. Let's do it! In Solidarity,

Lisa Alva, NBCT Roosevelt High School

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