Adoption Seminar-Pregnancy Counseling Outline

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Adoption from a Birthparents POV I. Initial Contact A. Alleviating their fears B.

Correcting false information they have about adoption II. Needs Assessment A. Physical needs: 1. 2. 3. 4. Medical insurance/prenatal care housing food financial assistance

B. Emotional needs 1. Education about the grieving process 2. Concern for birthmothers who try to remain detached from the process C. Spiritual needs 1. Explore her relationship with God 2. Act as a channel of Gods love for those who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus III. Exploring Options A. Evaluate where they are in the decision-making process B. Encourage them to explore their options C. Ensure that they have all the information and facts before they arrive at a final decision IV. Adoption Education A. Explain the adoption process 1. How it works 2. What to expect at each stage of the process B. Discuss benefits of open adoption 1. 2. 3. move on Can see that child is OK as s/he matures Affirmation for them that they made the right choice Facilitates the grieving process, allowing them to

C. Review legal aspects of adoption 1. Birthparent rights 2. Legal documents V. Information gathering A. Medical History 1. Birthparent medical history 2. Medical history of immediate and extended family B. Social History 1. 2. 3. 4. VI. Birthparents relationship Current family/living environment Support system Education and career history and goals

Adoption Planning A. Planning for Openness B. Choosing a family C. Facilitating the adoption plan


Grief and Loss Issues A. Stages of Grief (see handout) 1. Dont necessarily experience them in order 2. Can move through one stage and then return later 3. Can experience feelings from more than one stage at a time B. Importance of aftercare C. Time and Healing 1. Six months to a year to move beyond their most acute sense of loss 2. Picture, letters, visits, and relationship with adoptive couple play a role in the healing process

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