Basic Manners and Attributes of Front Office Staff

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Basic manners and attributes of front office staff

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Qualities of Front Office Staff

As the front office is a critical department in a hotel in view of its revenue generating capacity and influence in image- building, the staff working in it assume a special importance. Great care is taken in the selection of front office staff as they play a key role as: Salesman : They motivate the guest to spend more on the various hotel facilities. Problem Solving: Guests invariably approach the front office for help in case they have a problem or complaint. The staff have to be diplomatic and resourceful to solve the problem at the shortest possible time. A ReferencePoint: Guests who want information or want to pass on information use them for this purpose. Coordinators: Since they are a reference point, the front office staff are required to coordinate with other departments, airlines, travel agencies and city tour offices to give the guest personalized service. Image builders: As an extension to their salesmans role, front office staff can certainly generate a good image for the establishment in their manner of dress, communication, personal conduct and efficiency.

ATTRIBUTES OF FRONT OFFICE PERSONAL Salesman ship They must be capable to motivate the guest to spend more on the hotel facilities. Problem Solvers Guest invariable approach the reception staff incase they have a problem or a complaint. The front office staff must be diplomatic and resourceful to solve the problem at the shortest possible time. Reference point Guest who wants information comes to the reception with their queries. Image builders They can definitely generate a good image for the establishment in their manner of dress, communication, personal conduct and efficiency. Personal Grooming and Hygiene They should have a very high sense of personal hygiene and also must be very well groomed at all times. Since they are exposed to the guest at all times, a clean image helps to portray a good image. Self Confident It is usually as front office personal meet guest of different countries, states and cultures. They should feel comfortable and confident while dealing with these people.

Good communication Skills Their speech must be clear and language must be correct. It is preferable that front office staff knows more than one language.

Knowing foreign languages is an added advantage as it helps in dealing with foreign guest in their own language. Diplomacy and Tactfulness This is a great attribute required often, because there are situations when guests are irritated over a particular situation or a problem. A diplomatic dealing helps in diffusing the problem instantly. Ability to remember names and Faces This single attribute decides the good from the average, amongst the front office staff. Every individual has an ego and his/her name is most precious to him or her. If front office staff can call most of the guest by their names this can flatter them Good Manners As a hotel is a meeting place for social elites all the grace and etiquette association with good society come into play. Theyre wishing the guest at all times and thanking them is the basic etiquette shown. Quick Decision Making Guest often approach the front office with problems and requests front office must be able to decide quickly a converse of action that satisfies the guest at the same time keeping the interacts of the establishments alive.

Qualities of a Good Front Office Employee

The most common answer to the question Why did you decide to become a receptionist? is , because you wanted to MEET PEOPLE.

Now to be successful in any human relationship you must reflect these characteristics: A Warm personality and smart appearances. A keen interest in people, and polite and courteous nature. Poise under pressure, keeping his cool and problem solver. A desire to be helpful, but also diplomatic and tactful. The ability to listen, hard working and punctual. The ability to get along with co-workers, and pleasant approach and good motivation and coordinator. A Desire to be liked, with good public relation qualities. The ability to help another employee without resenting it or showing irritation. Should be confident, analytical, intelligent and a good salesman. Neat Personal habits. Good Memory (Should be able to remember names of regular guests) Knowledge of languages. Numerical ability. Reference point. Image Builder. Standing behind front desk and meeting any of the dozens of problems that arise in hotel, requires a reserve of energy. Keep your reserve built up by common sense rules of living. Get Plenty of sleep. Dont drink. If you must, be moderate. Dont smoke, at least not on the job. Be positive.

As a receptionist you will be one of the first persons a guest meets in hotel. First impression forms lasting impression. So make sure that the guest gets a positive impression from the moment he walks in.

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