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Completes and turns in all assignments (HW, classwork) on due dates

Satisfactory 3
Completes and turns in all assignments (HW, classwork) on due dates Only 1 day late

Needs Improvement 2
Fails to complete and turn in assignments as required (HW, classwork) 2 days late

Unsatisfactory 1
Frequently fails to complete and turn in assignments as required (HW, classwork) Over 2 days late

Follows directions all the time and goes beyond expectations Consistently uses class time wisely Self-starter Often asks insightful questions

Follows directions

Often does not follow directions Often does not use class time wisely Requires frequent teacher intervention to stay on task

Fails to pay attention or to follow directions Does not use class time wisely Needs teacher intervention Does not seek appropriate assistance Fails to bring required materials to class Appearance of work is unsatisfactory Writing is illegible Not clean and neat

Regularly uses class time wisely Stays on task Asks clarifying questions

Always brings required materials to class Appearance of work is good Writing is legible Clean and neat

Regularly brings required materials to class Appearance of work is satisfactory Writing is legible Clean and neat

Fails to bring required materials to class Appearance of work needs improvement Writing is illegible Not clean and neat

Please keep the rubric at home for your reference and return the signature section below by Monday, November 12 (the first day of the new trimester). _________________________________________________________ I have read and understand the weekly work habits rubric above. Student Signature_______________ Date___ Parent Signature ______________ Date________

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