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Code No:R05221201 SetNo. 1 II B.

TechSupplimentary Examinations,Aug/Sep 2008 COMP UTER GRAPHICS ( Common to Information Technology and Computer Science & Systems Engineering) Time: 3hours MaxMarks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions c arry equal marks \u22c6\u22c6\u22c6\u22c6\u22c6 1.(a)Consider the raster system with resolution of 1280 by 1024.What size frame bu\ufb00er (in bytes) is needed for the systems to store if 24 bits pixel are to be stored. (b)How long would it take to load a 640\u00d7 480 frame bu\ufb00er with 12 bits per pixel, if 105 bi ts can be transferred per second. [8+8] 2.(a)Explain the DDA scan conversion alg orithm for generating the points on line segment, when two end-points are given as input. (b)Digitize the line with end-points (20,10) and (30,18) using DDA alg orithm. [8+8] 3.(a)Perform a 450 rotation of a triangle A(0,0), B(1,1) and C(5,2 ) about P(-1,-1). (b)Magnify the triangle with vertices A(0,0), B(1,1) and C(5,2 ) to thrice its size while keeping B(1,1) \ufb01xed. [8+8] 4.(a)Derive the viewi ng transformation matrix for window-to-viewport mapping. (b)Find the window-to-v iewport transformation that maps a window whose left corner is at (1,1) and uppe r right corner is at (5,5) on to a viewport that has lower left corner at (0,0) and upper right corner at \ue000 1 2,1 2 \ue001 . [8+8] 5.Explain the procedure to design two-dimensional cubic-Bezier curve shapes that have second order piece -wise continuity. [16] 6.Consider a line from the origin of a right-handed coord inate system to the point P(x, y, z).Find the transformation matrix needed to ro tate the line in to the positive z-axis.Follow the below mentioned sequence to a chieve the desired transformation matrix: (a)Rotate about the y-axis into the (y , z) plane, (b)Then rotate about the y-axis into the z-axis. [16] 7.(a)Write an algorithm to that would test a given plane surface against a rectan- gular area to decide whether it is a surrounding, overlapping, inside or outside surface. ( b)Distinguish depth-sort and z-bu\ufb00er algorithms. [8+8] 8.Explain the steps involved in transforming a sphere into a speci\ufb01ed polyhedron. [16] 1 of 2 Code No:R05221201 SetNo. 1 \u22c6\u22c6\u22c6\u22c6\u22c6

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