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Associated Student Government University of Arkansas ASG Senate Bill No. 5 Authors: Senator Roxi Hazelwood, Senator Sterling Elmore, Senator Sanket Desai, Senator Samantha Vaughn Sponsors: Senator Roxi Hazelwood, Senator Sterling Elmore, Senator Sanket Desai, Senator Samantha Vaughn The Senate Efficiency Act Whereas, The senator expectations as outlined in Title II Legislative Code, Section Three Senator Expectations in the Associated Student Government Code require each senator to write one piece of legislation per semester; and This will lead to massive amounts of undeveloped and premature legislation; and The natural development of senators leads to the creation of legislation later in the academic year; and In order to allow for proper research and communication with constituents, administrators, and relevant organizations, senators must cultivate these relationships and develop their legislative goals over a longer period of time; and The current ASG Code does not explicitly define or limit the number of authors who may claim authorship of a piece of legislation; and ASG is rooted in the principle of collaboration, yet the current precedent that no more than one senator may claim authorship of a bill or resolution fundamentally conflicts with the aforementioned founding principle; then That Title II, Section Three be amended to read as follows, Senators shall write one (1) piece of legislation per year in the form of either a bill or resolution and personally present said legislation to the ASG Senate; and That Title II, Section Three, Subsection B be added, stating, No more than three (3)






Be it therefore enacted:

Be it further enacted:

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Senators may collaborate on a piece of legislation and claim authorship, thus fulfilling his or her legislative requirement. Be it further enacted: All subsequent subsections of Section Three shall be adjusted accordingly to follow alphabetical order.

Official Use Only Amendments: Vote Count: Aye Legislation Status: Passed ___________________________ Mike Norton, ASG Chair of the Senate ___________________________ Tori Pohlner, ASG President Nay Failed Abstentions Other ________________ Date ________________ Date

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