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Biomedical Engineering: A Life Support for the Hospital, an Emerging Technology by Lokender Yadav

The 21st century is rightfully called the Biological Century. More technological breakthroughs in the medical and industrial spheres. The changing trends in this revolutionary world of technology has given urge to many social and technical changes. Changes in the technical aspects ranging from the mobile phones to the human health .similarly with such recent advancements, the up gradation in the health care sector has made a remarkable stand. Appropriate deployment of technological tools contributes to improvement in the quality of healthcare delivered, the containment of cost, and better access to healthcare systems. Hospitals have been allocating significant portion of their resources to procuring and managing capital assets; they are continuously faced with demands for new biomedical technology while asked to manage existing Today world of biomedical engineering is changed and new hopes and

expectation arises from bio-medical engineers with the time and advancement in the field. Thus this paper is drafted in way so as to meet the changing trends in hospitals and the role played by biomedical engineer within a hospitals catering the needs and synchronising the patient care. . But the irony of the system is, so far duties and responsibilities as well as standard operating procedures for bio-medical engineers in hospitals are not well prescribed and no standard research has come into focus to deal with same. . In order to deliver perfect care to the patient hospitals are evolved with the new department known as bio-medical engineering department, ruled by bio-medical engineers. The proliferation of electronic and associated equipment in almost all branches of clinical medicine demands that adequate professional staff be available for its proper use, purchase and maintenance. Much of this equipment can be potentially dangerous in the sense that it can provide misleading information if it is not adequately supervised. Such supervision can only be given by people with considerably more training than that possessed by the average technician. In order to simplify the troubleshooting of equipments, in order to handle critical situation, the recent emerging trends have been drafted.

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