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Agrarian Economy of India Boon or Bane ?


Team 8

The Indian Agro Scenario

Largely an agrarian economy. Rice, wheat, oilseed, cotton, jute, tea, coffee, rubber, sugarcane and potatoes are the bulk of the produce. Livestock include cattle, water buffalo, sheep, goats and poultry.
all food-crops oilseeds fiber

These account for 70% of the agricultural sector

Coastal communities and those who live on riverbanks are often dependent on fishing for livelihood.
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plantation crops

fruits and vegetables

Some facts
Contributes to 28% of GDP Provides food to 1Billion people Sustains 65% of the population : helps alleviate poverty Produces 51 major Crops Provides Raw Material to Industries Contributes to 1/6th of the export earnings The prime arbiter of living standards for seventy percent of Indias population living in the rural areas One of the 12 Bio-diversity centers in the world with over 46,000 species of plants and 86,000 species of animals recorded
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The good .. Since independence

From food shortages and import to self-sufficiency and exports. From subsistence farming to intensive and technology led cultivation. Today, India is the front ranking producer of many crops in the world. Ushered in through the green, white, blue and yellow revolutions Largest producer in the world of pulses , tea , and milk Second Largest producer of fruits, vegetables, wheat , rice, groundnut and sugarcane.
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STRENGTHS Rich Bio-diversity Arable land Climate Strong and well dispersed research and extension system

Fragmentation of land Low Technology Inputs Unsustainable Water Management Poor Infrastructure Low value addition


OPPORTUNITIES Bridgeable yield crops Exports Agro-based Industry


Unsustainable Resource Use

Unsustainable Regional Development Imports

Untapped potential in the N.E.
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Agriculture has played and will continue to play a dominant role in the growth of Indian economy. Agro industry has been successful in eradication of its critical dependence on imported food grains. We can do .. Question is, if we will The great Indian Jugaad is not what we need ?

So .. Boon or Bane?

Team 8

Research paper by Centre for Advancement of Sustainable Agriculture Agriculture in India, dia dated October 29


Team 8

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