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Point Douglas Residents Committee 5-Year Strategic Plan 2011-2016

Table of Contents

Executive Summary.................................................................................. 3 Overview of PDRC.................................................................................... 4 PDRC Strategic Planning Overview.......................................................... 5 Summary of Strategic Planning................................................................. PDRC Mission/Vision Review......................................................... Who does PDRC serve................................................................... SWOT Analysis............................................................................... 5 6 6 6

Values........................................................................................................ 6 Strategic Plan Goals and Action Items.................................................... 7 Conclusion.................................................................................................. 9 Appendices................................................................................................. 11 1. Partner Session Summary 2. Board Session Summary 3. Community Session 4. Survey Summary

PDRC Strategic Plan 2011-2016

Executive Summary The Point Douglas Residents Committee recently engaged in a comprehensive strategic planning process that included: Board Governance training; Developing a plan for community, stakeholder and partner consultations; A review of PDRCs by-laws, vision and mission statements and other documents; A review of current programs and areas of work; Facilitated community, board, partner and stakeholder consultations; Development of a 5-year strategic plan complete with risk analysis and an implementation framework that defines governance and operational tasks for the organization. The resulting strategic plan incorporates PDRCs ongoing work and commitment to the Point Douglas community, as well as its plans for the future. It reflects the results of broad based community consultations and is the product of a strong collaboration between the staff and board of the PDRC and an external consultant. The PDRC strategy was developed with a number of key stakeholders in mind and the process helped the staff and board to clarify both organizational strengths and weaknesses while charting the future direction of the organization. This strategy is meant to be a living plan - flexible, responsive to the community and regularly reviewed and/or revised by the PDRC. The following pages provide an overview of the PDRC and reinforce the vital role that the PDRC plays in the Point Douglas community. This is followed by a brief description of the strategic planning process and a summary of the overall findings. The final section presents the organizations goals and action items for the period of 2011-2016. The plan outlines 8 areas for PDRC to focus on in the next 5 years: 1. Corporate 2. Housing 3. Safety and Crime 4. Environment/Beautification 5. Community and Economic Development/Capacity Building 6. Advocacy 7. Arts and Culture/History 8. Sports and Recreation Under each Goal a number of action items have been listed to provide focus on activities and programming. Due to limited resources, PDRC will partner with community organizations on many of the goal areas. The Board will work with staff to operationalize these goals and develop programs and budgets to meet the objectives.

PDRC Strategic Plan 2011-2016

Overview of PDRC The Point Douglas Residents Committee (PDRC) is a volunteer-run organization that has been active since the 1970s, working in a variety of ways to improve life in the community. The purpose of the Residents Committee is: to be a voice for the Point Douglas Community; to be concerned with the physical, social and economic aspects of Point Douglas; to set priorities for the improvement and development of Point Douglas. Guiding Principles/Mission - The Point Douglas Residents Committee is guided by and committed to the following principles: To be a voice for the Point Douglas residents. To be concerned with the physical and social aspects of the whole area of Point Douglas. To set priorities for improvements in Point Douglas. To be informed on all issues arising in the community in order that we may be able to make justifiable recommendations for neighbourhood improvement. The members of PDRC will participate, take action, and have decisive control in their committee/neighbourhood and thereby will increase their participation in decision making at a municipal level. The PDRC will have respect for all people (who live, work and volunteer here). The PDRC will be representative of the community. The PDRC will receive and act on community needs and input and advocate when and/or necessary. In decision making, the PDRC will work towards consensus as defined by the membership or committee. The PDRC will develop connections among the people living, working and volunteering in the Point Douglas area and as well to other organizations and resources. In recent years the Residents Committee has seen a dramatic increase in community involvement and has accomplished much, through the support of the community. The PDRC has a volunteer Board of Directors, numerous committees actively addressing such concerns as safety, housing, environmental issues and recreation. Amongst the initiatives of the Residents Committee are: regular community clean ups; tree planting along the river bank, tree banding against canker worms and Dutch Elm disease; community safety and housing plans; successful and ongoing campaign to shut down problem houses and rid the community of gangs and crime; working with partners to increase the variety and quality of recreation programs for children and young people.
PDRC Strategic Plan 2011-2016 4

PDRC Strategic Planning Overview The purpose of strategic planning is to provide clarity and focus to an organization. It should allow the organization to measure how well they are doing against their mission/vision. It should also help them develop and communicate a clear and unified vision to their stakeholders (residents, funders, partners, etc.) The PDRC strategic planning process included the following four steps: Clarify the purpose/mission of PDRC and develop Vision, Mission and Value statements. Evaluate PDRCs strengths and weaknesses. Identify new opportunities and well as potential threats to PDRC and the mission. Establish and agree on priorities, goals and actions. Meetings and discussions were held with staff, partners, residents, stakeholders and the PDRC Board and a number of strategic goals and action items were developed. The Board will work with staff to develop financial and operational plans using the strategic plan as a guide. Summary of Strategic Planning: 1. PDRC Mission/Vision Review participants agreed that PDRC exists to: represent all residents of PD particularly vulnerable and alienated communities/groups; advocate for the community (with the City of Wpg, other levels of govt, agencies, etc.); identify gaps in services; promote improve the quality of life/health and safety of the community; proactively communicate and address residents concerns through outreach and working with partner agencies and stakeholders; encourage a vibrant and healthy community; take a proactive approach to community and economic development; be a leader on environmental issues such as gardening, beautification, sustainability, etc; work on safety/crime issues in the community; work on housing issues; encourage and support the work of other agencies in the community. 2. Who does PDRC serve: Residents seniors, youths, aboriginals, immigrants, home owners, etc; Businesses, coops, social enterprises, etc; Agencies, partners, churches, non-profits, etc;
PDRC Strategic Plan 2011-2016 5

The greater community of Winnipeg and beyond; Tourists, visitors, those who work in, or visit the neighbourhood; The land/people/spirit of the community/geographical area.

3. Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats: Strengths programs such as share the warmth, community gardening, etc; the housing plan; collaborations with other partners; strong values/commitment to the environment/social justice/accountability/respect/capacity building/inclusiveness/etc; and, communication/newsletter/website/etc. Weaknesses lack of permanent office; lack of diversity; more contact/collaboration with partners needed; lack of resources/staff; lack of visibility/communication; turmoil and conflict; board governance. Opportunities new political alliances; funding opportunities; opportunities to work with partners/agencies in the community; the local area/land/beauty/etc; youth/ aboriginals /seniors/new immigrants; City of Winnipeg plans for PD. Threats lack of paid staff and resources; lack of voice in government decisions; community is changing; flood risk; past conflicts; gossip/rumours; City of Winnipeg plans for PD; poverty; misinformation; crime. VALUES: Participants in the strategic planning process were asked to help develop a list of values that describe PDRC. The following list was approved by the Board as a value statement for the organization. Poverty solidarity Respect Social justice and equality/equity Capacity building Commitment to environmental sustainability Inclusiveness Transparency and accountability Democracy Non-violence Commitment to community engagement Communication Respect for nature and beauty Respect for grassroots initiatives Appreciation of diversity Sustainability Compassionate/empathic Work ethic Responsibility
PDRC Strategic Plan 2011-2016 6

Strategic Plan 2011-2016 The following goals and action items were developed in consultations with staff, partners, stakeholders, residents, partners and the Board. They are listed in order of priority and in many instances the action items will be delivered in partnership with other community organizations. The value of our partnerships Partnerships with community and groups is critical to our success. As part of the North Point Douglas Inter-agency group, we share information and work to fill existing gaps. Some partnerships involve providing letters of support for new projects and funding applications. Others involved co-applications for funding, or using existing grant money to support another agency's work. Some of the activities listed in this plan will be implemented in partnership with others. PDRC partners on an on-going basis with: Goals 1. Corporate

Norquay School Norquay Boys and Girls Club Point Douglas Seniors Associations Area churches Norquay Community Centre Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre NPD Women's Centre NECRC

Sound financial management Home/Office for PDRC Board governance succession planning, board training, etc., Administration and management filing, staff management, Fundraising Organizational stability Collaboration Communication Networking Establish relevance of PDRC in the community Outreach Inclusiveness

PDRC Strategic Plan 2011-2016

2. Housing
Fix up grants Improve rental housing Affordable rentals Home ownership Education on tenant/landlord issues Workshops on fixing homes Advocate for renters Mobility issues

3. Safety and Crime

Support NPD Womens Centre and Powerline with their crime reduction programs Park security Street captains Sex trade safety for workers Slow down traffic on Euclid More community lighting Education and awareness of police issues Garbage cans along Rover Ave Help residents improve home security

4. Environment/Beautification
Community gardens Boulevard gardens Community clean ups Boat launch/docks Keep alleys clean Tree banding Clean up the tracks on Sutherland Family activities in parks Banners and flower baskets on lampposts Welcome to PD signs Partnerships with businesses Work to have old industrial sites cleaned up BBQs and benches in the parks Close Rover Ave on Sundays Recycling education Soil testing for contamination Composting

PDRC Strategic Plan 2011-2016

5. Community and Economic Development/Capacity Building

Riverpoint Centre training for the 80 jobs that will be there in 2012 Create system that lets people hire PD residents to do odd jobs for residents CPR/First Aid and drivers license training for adults Youth community kitchen Cooking courses Babysitting course Social enterprises Get youth to existing programs in other parts of Wpg. Free wireless internet Support local businesses

6. Advocacy
Working with elected officials Landlord accountability Making sure PD residents get jobs at new Riverpoint Centre by working with government Affordable housing Disraeli Bridge Voter education Tenants rights Other issues as they arise

7. Arts and Culture/History

Street festivals large and small Winter carnival Historic plaques Outdoor concerts and movies

8. Sports and Recreation Opportunities

Youth recreation programming for 12-17 yr olds Support community centre with its programming Boat launch and dock Self defence programming Winter park activities

Conclusion: This plan was developed in consultation with stakeholders during focus groups held in January and February 2011. This is a workable and achievable plan for the organization
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to follow in keeping with the original mission and vision. The Board will use the plan in the following three areas: 1. Primary Outcomes: Building a strong organization Board and staff will focus on strong corporate accountability and financial stability. PDRC will continue to strive for organizational stability through ongoing board governance training and development, succession planning, sound financial and administrative management, and fundraising. Housing this will continue to be an area of focus for the PDRC for the next 5 years. PDRC will work with the community to improve rental housing, help home owners with fix up grants, educational programs and keep housing affordable in Point Douglas. Safety and Crime PDRC will work with NPD Womens Centre, Powerline and other partners to reduce crime in Point Douglas by providing programs like drop in centres for youth, park security, more community lighting and education on police issues. Environment and Beautification PDRC will work with residents and businesses to provide community gardens, tree banding and other programs to clean up the neighbourhood and make Point Douglas a beautiful place to live. Capacity Building and Advocacy PDRC will partner with other agencies, stakeholders, businesses, government and residents to build economic and community capacity in Point Douglas and to advocate for residents that need help. 2. Implementation: The role of the board now is to work with staff to develop an implementation plan that includes the activities PDRC will undertake to put the plan in place. The executive director will develop annual plans and budgets for board approval that operationalize the outcomes of this strategic plan. 3. On-going Review and Evaluation: PDRC board will review the progress of the plan every 6 months and make adjustments as warranted by trends, new information received and/or new partnership opportunities.

PDRC Strategic Plan 2011-2016


1. Partner Session Summary - January 25, 2011 2. Board Session Summary - January 25, 2011 3. Community Session Summary - February 5, 2011 4. Point Douglas Survey Summary - 2008

PDRC Strategic Plan 2011-2016


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