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Existing Masthead

The Q magazine logo maintains a simple and basic standard/format to ensure that they stick to the professional style. It has stuck to simple colours such as red and white as the publishing company are making sure that they stick to the house style that is throughout the magazine. Furthermore it is also very unique as it has portrayed a circle inside a square not making anything to complex ensuring they dont loose the audiences interest.

The billboard logo uses a range of bright colours being red yellow and blue to link in with the genre of music they are presenting and attracting a particular target audience that they want their magazine to appeal to. The bright colours can associate with the pop and RnB genre of music as they connote funky and a trendy style.

Vibe have also used a similar house style to Q as they only use simple colours such as white black and red to maintain a professional standard, and to ensure that it doesnt look too complex or tacky. The bold heading sticks to the genre and target audience that the publishing company is trying to attract.

Lastly the masthead and logo of Mojo sticks to the genre and target audience of the magazine as the font links in with the flowy and urban style of music. The black links in with the house style as it is black and white throughout the majority of the magazine.

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