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Brittany Heels

EDU 4012 5-Day Shared Reading Lesson Plan (text boxes will increase in size as you type info into them )

October 15, 2012

Brittany Heels

EDU 4012

October 15, 2012

Lesson Description: Time frame: 10-20 min per day Book Title: The Three Billy Goats Gruff - Illustrated By Stephen Carpenter Overview: (summarization of text ) This story is a childs fable about the three Gruff brothers, who are Billy goats, as well as a nasty troll who lives under a bridge. The meadow where the brothers live and eat is growing sparsely, so they decide to cross the bridge for greener pastures. Little do they know that a mean troll resides under this bridge a troll who likes to eat Billy goats. Whenever one of the brothers tries to cross the bridge, the troll jumps up and tries to eat them; but the brothers trick the troll and the biggest Billy goat ends up sending the mean troll down river with one swift bunt. The Billy goats all make it safely to greener pastures, where they eat daisies and live happily ever after. Rationale Supporting Choice: This book is ideal for students in kindergarten and grade one. The text is simple, with few characters, so it will allow the students to develop site words (i.e. goat, trip, trap, troll, bridge, river, etc). This story also contains a lot of text repetition and is predictable, so it allows the students to actively participate in the reading this story with their teacher. Ontario Curriculum: Overall Expectations (Reading): 1. read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary, graphic, and informational texts, using a range of strategies to construct meaning; Ontario Curriculum: Specific Expectations (Reading): 1.3 identify a few reading comprehension strategies and use them before, during, and after reading to understand texts, initially with support and direction 1.4 demonstrate understanding of a text by retelling the story or restating information from the text, including the main idea 1.7 identify the main idea and a few elements of texts, initially with support and direction 1.8 express personal thoughts and feelings about what has been read 1.9 begin to identify, with support and direction, the speaker and the point of view presented in a text and suggest a possible alternative perspective Materials: ( the book and) Book: The Three Billy Goats Gruff Illustrated by Stephen Carpenter Day 1: Book Prepared Site Word Pictures Markers Chart Paper List of Generated Site Words Day 2: Book Chart Paper The Three Billy Goats Gruff written on it Pointer Site Word List Velcro Day 3: Book Felt Board Felt Story Pieces ( i.e. troll, Billy goats, bridge, river, meadows, flowers, etc) Day 4: Book Chart Paper The Three Billy Goats Gruff written on it

Brittany Heels
Day 5: -

EDU 4012

October 15, 2012

Pointer Grass (i.e. green blankets/towels or linen) River (i.e. blue blanket, towel, tissue paper, or linen) Bridge (i.e. brown blanket, towel or linen) Daisies (i.e. fake flowers from dollar store) 3 Billy Goats Gruff Masks (i.e. Great Big, Big, and Little Gruff) 1 Troll Mask Wooden Spoons (enough for one for each of the students, except the four playing the character roles) Book Mini Books The Three Billy Goats Gruff (enough for one for each student) Paper Puppet Worksheet (1 p/student colouring page with paper characters to cut out) Scissors Markers/Crayons/Pencil Crayons Glue Popsicle Sticks

LESSON FORMAT GRADE ONE Day 1 Lesson Goal: The Students will become familiar with the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff through shared reading, as well as creating site words for this story. Success Criteria: 1.) The students will be able to recognize the words that are repeated in this storybook (i.e. troll, bridge, goat, etc). 2.) The students will suggest which pictures should be matched to the site words they have created. 3.) The students will be able to realize what characters and items are important to the story (beginning, middle or end) and which ones are not. What teachers say/do What students do/say Before: Motivational Hook/engagement/introduction (Minds On) The teacher will first do a picture walk of the storybook The The students will partake in contributing their ideas to the picture Three Billy Goats Gruff for the students. Then the teacher will walk, as to what they think may be happening based on the read this storybook to them. pictures presented. The students will then listen to the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. What do you think that troll is saying to the Billy goat? or It looks like the three goats are staring at that bridge, I wonder what I think the troll is stopping that goat or The goats are thinking they are thinking? about crossing that bridge. During: Working on it/action After reading the storybook the teacher will ask the students The students will brainstorm site words to create for this about what words they heard a lot when she was reading thing storybook, by looking back through the book with their teacher. story (i.e. bridge, goat, troll, grass). The teacher will guide the The students will be able place the site words they came up with students in developing site words and creating a site word chart on chart paper with Velcro, next to their corresponding picture. to add to their word wall. The teacher will have prepared several The students will come up with site words, such as: troll, goat, pictures to go along with site words the students may come up gruff, bridge, river, meadow, grass, daisies, etc). with. The teacher will pair the words written with the picture representation of the word on the site word chart. Who were the main characters in this story? Did we hear their names a lot? or What was important to the goats in finding their way across to the other meadow? After: Consolidation (reflect and connect) The teacher will secure the completed site word list to the word The students follow along with the teachers pointer, in reviewing wall for the students. The teacher will then use their pointer and their site word list. They will make predictions on what their site lead the students in a review of the site words they have created words on based on their recognition of the words, picture or both. for the Three Billy Goats Gruff. Day 2: Lesson Goal: The students will practice reading by using the site words paired with pictures, in order to tell the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Success Criteria: 1.) The students will be able to predict/know the words missing from the story sentences. 2.) The students will be able to successfully locate the missing words using their site word list. 3.) The students will be able to place the site words into the appropriate space on the story sentence.

Brittany Heels

EDU 4012

October 15, 2012

What teachers say/do What students do/say Before: Motivational Hook/engagement/introduction (Minds On) The teacher will give the students a hint to pay close attention to The students will listen to the reading of the The Three Billy the story. The teacher will then read the storybook The Three Goats Gruff. The students will then participate in the fill in the Billy Goats Gruff to the students. The teacher will then introduce blank activity. the next activity a fill in the blank activity. During: Working on it/action The teacher will have the site words that the students had The students will read aloud with their teacher The Three Billy created (the day before) available to them. The teacher will have Goats Gruff. They will make predictions about the missing/blank created a few key pages from this storybook, on chart paper, words by using the site words they have created and practice which they will have placed up around the classroom. The fitting them in place. They students will determine which site word storybook pages will have text and pictures, but some of the is in fact missing from what sentence. The students will discuss words will be missing. The teacher will use their pointer to and debate their ideas about the chosen words. engage the students to read along with them. When they come upon a blank spot, the students will be encouraged to make predictions and practice fitting their site words into the sentence; by removing them from their site word list and placing them onto their blank space in the story. After: Consolidation (reflect and connect) The teacher will read aloud each selected page from the actual The students will listen and read along with their peers and storybook, as one student points along with a pointer to the key teacher from the large chart paper story pages. The students will pages written out on chart paper. The teacher will do so to be able to follow along a see if they have made the correct site illustrate if the students have been successful in recreating this word choices to recreate this story. This will give the students an storybook. opportunity to correct their story pages if they have made any errors, in order to help them feel confident and success. Day 3: Lesson Goal: The students will be able to successfully recreate each page of the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff, using the felt board and felt pieces. Success Criteria: What teachers say/do What students do/say Before: Motivational Hook/engagement/introduction/ (Minds On) The teacher will set up a felt board a long with all of the felt The students will look at the felt board set up; review all the pieces needed to recreate The Three Billy Goats Gruff. The pieces available with the teacher and listen to the teachers teacher will then give brief instruction to the students about the instruction regarding the following activity. activity to come. The teacher will tell the students that they are going to be given the opportunity to build this story using the felt board and review the felt pieces with them. During: Working on it/action The teacher will choose two-three students come to the felt board The students will put up their hands if they would like a turn at to collaboratively create the first page of this storybook. The this activity. The students will try their best to recreate, or build teacher will read the first page and allow the students to make the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff, using the felt any corrections they would like, or add details. The teacher will board/pieces. The students will access prior knowledge of this then take a picture of each felt story that the students create, in storybook and important words/characters/objects to successfully order to create a storyboard. The teacher will then allow two more create this story. students to create the next page, and so on. The teacher will provide prompts or elicit the suggestions of peers if the students chosen are stuck. After: Consolidation (reflect and connect) The teacher will pose questions to the students about what they The students will brainstorm and disclose what aspects of this found easy, or what they found challenging about this activity. activity were challenging for them (i.e. remembering which Billy The students will be goat came first) Day 4: Lesson Goal: Summary of Strategies and Activities: The teacher will set up a dramatic play like scenario, in which the students will be able to act out The Three Billy Goats Gruff, while the teacher reads the book. The teacher will lay out the grass, the river, the bridge, some daisies, as well as have three goat costumes, one troll costume and enough wooden spoons for all but the four costumed students. The teacher will give a brief instruction on the activity, hand out the materials to the students and then begin to read the book. Three students will dress as the three Billy goat brothers and one student will dress as the troll. It will be these students jobs to act out the story, as the teacher and students read the story (off the chart paper) aloud. The troll will sit on the floor beside the bridge and the goats will sit/stand/crawl on the side of the bridge which does not have the daisies on it. The other

Brittany Heels

EDU 4012

October 15, 2012

students will be given a wooden spoon each, which they will clap to the floor or their hand every time one of the goats trip, traps across the bridge. As the story progresses the students will act out the story, by crossing the bridge and sending the troll down river. Day 5 Lesson Goal: Summary of Strategies and Activities: The students will be given the opportunity to create puppets of The Three Billy Goats Gruff storybook. The students will be given a print out of the The Three Billy Goats Gruff characters, and story objects (i.e. bridge, daisies). They will be able to colour them in and cut them out, as well as secure them to Popsicle sticks. The students will be given a copy of The Three Billy Goats Gruff in a mini book form. The students will be able to utilize this book at school with their parents or at school with their peers in shared reading. The students will work in groups of 3-4 and practice shared reading using their mini books, while taking turns acting out the book. The teacher will walk around and observe, assist students who may be stuck and assess the students knowledge of the storybook content.

Special Education Notes: Physical/Developmental Delay: Fine Motor Day 5: students will be given motorized scissors or hand over hand for cutting. Day 4: students with low mobility can still participate in this dramatization. They will be able to wheel across the set (not breakable) or they could be part of the group that taps the wooden spoon. Low fine motor ability/grip wooden spoon will have a large grip place around the handle and secured for easy gripping, or can be attached to a glove the student wears. Felt board pieces can be modified to a Velcro pieces/chart, with the characters and pieces being glued to thick foam for easy gripping. Visual Impairments: Site Words will have brail characters secured to bottom right corner, as to allow student to participate. The teacher will also include tactile cues beside the brail (i.e. faux fur for goats, bark for bridge, sponge for troll, etc) to give the student hints as to what the word may be, in place of a visual picture. Student will be given mini book with brail and tactile representations of story (i.e. patch of fake fur for three goats, rough bark for bridge, slippery fabric for river, etc) glued in place. Speech Impairments: Students with speech impairments will be able to use their IPad for these activities, with the app Tap to Talk. The teacher will load words/pictures for this shared reading unit into the students Tap to Talk language folder, so that they can actively participate in this activity.

Brittany Heels

EDU 4012 References

October 15, 2012

The Ontario Curriculum for Language Arts, pages 35-48, found at the following website: Carpenter, S., Asbjrnsen, P. C. (1998). The three billy goats Gruff. New York: HarperCollinsFestival. The image used on page one originated from the following website:

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