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The Person That I like the most Like everyone else I have a lot of friends.

However the person I like the most is definitely my best friend,Siti Humairaa.She is of mixed parentage,half Chinese and half Indian.She is charming and cute. I got to know Humairaa when I was seven years old. I first saw this sweet looking girl when I was in Primary One. She was my first friend in school. Later,I found that we lived in the same neighbourhood. From that day,Humairaa and I became very good friends.We were almost inseparable. She has five siblings.Four girls and one boy.Like me,she is the third daughter in her family. She has a fair complexion and beautiful dark eyes.She has dimples on her cheek. Humairaas parents were very kind and humble.Her father was a police inspector while her mother was a housewife.They lived in a double-storey house just two rows away from mine. They were quite close to my parents too.They would often come over for tea during weekends. Siti Humairaa is a beautiful person inside out.She is kind,helpful,understanding,bold and ambitious person.She is always willing to help those in need,especially me.She is always there for me whenever I need her or a shoulder to cry on.There was once when I was down with chicken-pox and could not attend school for almost two weeks.Worst still mid-year examination was just around the corner.I thought I was surely going to fail my exam as I was not able to do any revision.It was Humairaa who saved the day.She spent hours by my bed coaching me.If not for her,I would definitely failed my exam.

Humairaa was also an active person.We use to spend hours playing games,going swimming hiking and sometimes even jogging. Since boths of us shared the same interest,it was easy for us to get along.We were always having fun.I could still recall the many times when we laughed till we rolled on the floor. Humairaa no longer lives in Taiping.She moved to Kedah last year when her father was transferred there.However,we still keep in touch through e-mails and phone calls.In fact,we have become even closer.Humairaa is definitely the person I like the most because she has a very special place in my heart.

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