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Friday, November 9, 2012 Dear Representative Wayne Harper, We are writing to express our concern about your recent

letter to the sentencing judge in the Eric Ray case. We understand that Ray was convicted of sexual abuse of an underage woman. We are not familiar with the specifics of the Ray case and therefore, we make no judgment regarding the verdict or the defendant. Nevertheless, we are concerned about certain aspects of your letter. Most importantly, we are concerned that you appear to have crossed an ethical line by using your official capacity as a member of the State Legislature in an attempt to influence the Courts sentencing. Your letter in support of Ray is signed using your title as a Representative of Utah Legislative District 43, thus implying that your comments about the character of the defendant, and your support for him, are being made in an official capacity as a member of the Utah Legislature, and not solely in your individual capacity. Additionally, we find it difficult to understand your claim that the defendant is in some way remorseful and ready to reenter society as a contributing member based not on your recent experience with the defendant, but on extrapolation of the defendants work ethic as your intern some years ago. Whatever your relationship with Ray, we also find it disconcerting that you appear to use your official capacity to support him at the expense of the only restitution the underage female victim will ever know. You have been given a position of public trust, yet have chosen to misuse it. While your motives may have been well intentioned, we believe that Rays victim, her family, similarly situated victims, your constituents and the citizens of Utah deserve an apology for what appears to be an abuse of the power of your position for the sake of a convicted felon. That power should be used to advance the interests of all Utahns. Sincerely,

Maryann Martindale, Executive Director Alliance for a Better UTAH

PO Box 521847 Salt Lake City, UT 84152 801.557.1532

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