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Name: Jennifer Hollingsworth Date: Unit day 3 Grade Level Teaching: 12th Grade Subject: Social Sciences Instructional

Standard: Perform effectively in various environments with people of different ages, genders, cultures, socioeconomic backgrounds, attitudes, and abilities. Instructional Goal: Define the identifiers that show the difference between cultures. Essential Content: Define culture: beliefs, food, dress and traditions. Time Estimate: 60 minutes Instructional Phase Introduction to Lesson: Weve talked about how to perform effectively with people of different genders and socioeconomic backgrounds, now we are going to talk about how to perform with people of different cultures. Direct Instruction: How do you react to the different cultures around you? This might include your reactions to the way someone dresses. Different cultures have different traditional clothing. Even cultures that may not be traditional have different styles of dress. Religious or spiritual beliefs also vary from culture to culture. Beliefs are something one accepts as true or real; a firmly held opinion or conviction. Culture includes different styles of cooking with different types of food and seasonings. Traditions are customs or beliefs that have been passed down from generation to generation within a society and are still practiced today. Guided Practice: Students use the cultural navigator to understand their cultural preferences and become self-aware. They will begin to learn how to better interact with people from different cultures. Independent Practice: Students get in pairs and pick a culture to research. They must share with the class by describing that culture including each aspect that we learned in class. Closure: What have they learned? Which culture did they find most interesting? Why? How would they react to seeing this culture in the world around them? HW Assignment (Assessment) Students must go to a restaurant of another culture or a religious affiliation of another culture and write a few paragraphs describing their experience. What

Time: 5 Minutes

Time: 10 Minutes

Time: 10 Minutes

Time: 20 Minutes

Time: 15 Minutes

they saw, who they saw, describe the food or the ceremony, how people reacted to them being there and how they reacted to what they saw.

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