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Center Cass School District 66 CCEA Executive Baord October 23, 2006 3:30 Present: Jake Little, Linda

Micetich, Jill Hansen, Kathy Mazurowski, Amy Mesker, Carol Cavoto, Trudy Sis, Ginny Westra, Shannon Hayes, Joy Coppoletta, Terri Smeltzer Call to order Approval of Minutes from September 18, 2006 Officer Reports a. Presidents Report i. Anyone interested in IEA Assembly???? 1. Dates Thursday March 8th Saturday March 10th 2. need official election (?) 3. Building reps are to send out an e-mail to encourage representation 4. Dont lose attendance days union pays for hotel b. Treasures Report i. Updates have been made to budget based upon September meeting 1. Deposits include Sue Hagensee who pays out of pocket IV. New Business a. Negotiation Training i. January 19 & 20 Committee Reports a. Ide b. PV i. Problem with 3rd grade special ed. 1. Teachers are keeping logs with sp. Ed. Kids 2. one student has been recommended to have a 1-1 aide and that aide was taken away. 3. One teacher with one part-time aide 4. Concern seems to based upon #s not need 5. Christy (new sp. Ed. Teacher) & regular ed. Teacher giving up a lot of time. a. Christy is giving up lunch 6. Telling them they cant teach writing b/c they are in the class but dont alter curriculum 7. Diane Gradel has been contacted but not much help getting support



8. SASED has been contacted but are 2 weeks behind 9. Before steering is brought in want to have minutes clocked 10. Advice given a. Keep logging, get admin. In to observe, wait for Task Team (SASED) 11. Tests are not being read even when it is listed on IEP c. LV i. none VI. Regional Council Representative a. Katrina cards i. Building Reps pass out information 1. Put on desks NOT in mailboxes b. Region 57 i. Building rep. fills out & posts c. Attended rally in Chicago i. Funding needs to change Other a. Jill isnt going to be treasurer next year due to becoming principal @ Ide Adjournment


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