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Rahul Pratap Singh Kaurav

Contact Internship Services!

For more information contact on +91.98265.69573

Excuse for not having internship !!!

Need an Internship!!!
I need an internship, in order to get a good job after graduation!

What do I want to do?

Define your learning goals. What is the purpose of the internship?

Where do I want to go? Narrow search by geographic region!

Identify potential internship sites

Where would be the best fit for me? __________ is a great resource to use to look for internship opportunities!

Identify potential internship sites

Business Sign for Business in Desired Area

Desired Citys Skyline

Make a List of Contacts

This includes nonprofit and for-profit companies!!!

Follow up with contacts

Business Sign for Business in Desired Area

Desired Citys Skyline

Follow up with contacts for potential openings !!!



Follow Job Search Strategies!!!

This includes participating in Resume Reviews, Cover Letter Reviews, Mock Interviews, and Job Search Appointments. It is never too early to start the process with internship at ..!!!

How do I get credit?

If you need credit for your internship. You need to get the position approved through your academic advisor/department.

Make a List of Contacts

Apply for the internship! Make sure to stop by Career Services to review your resume and cover letter, and to participate in a mock interview


Get the Interview

Business Sign for Business in Desired Area

Desired Citys Skyline

Land the Internship

I did it! This internship rocks!!! NOW corner office with a window view.


Why do an Internship?

Build your resume Practical work experience related to your major or career Understanding of how organizations function Networking opportunities Clarify career goals

An Effective Internship?
What career fields interest you?

What organizations are in your field of interest?

Choose organizations & opportunities- Apply

What Career Fields Interest You?

What do you like to do? (Interests) What are you good at? (Strengths/Skills)

After a lot internships finally get a JOB that overlap with your interests and your strengths.

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